Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Camera phone owners should be hit as well.

And tablet owners.

Throw in Whatsapp users as well, flush cunts

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1039958, member: 183”]A Fine Gael councillor for Cork City tweeted the following on Saturday:


Is it just me or does she actually look like Shrek???


Flush enough to flush?

How the fuck did tierney get the gig given tgat hes had a hand in flushing half a billion of taxpayers money through eyre sq redevelopment, irish glass site and the poolbeg PR contract?

Ehh… It’s called cronyism… He obviously has a good leg in with either FG or Lab

Ehhh, he got most his appointments during a FF govt

He was actually decent when heading up Fingal Co. Council.

Looks like it’s going to be a flat fee of €200 per house now. We won!:slight_smile:


Did we fuck, the only winner in all of this is dinny o brien



Looks Joan Burton went on a solo run on this one. Serious backtracking going on.
They Government are all over the shop. :smiley:

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1040625, member: 1786”]Looks Joan Burton went on a solo run on this one. Serious backtracking going on.
They Government are all over the shop. :D[/QUOTE]
Michael McGrath was on Newstalk this morning and said there would be no water charges under a Fianna Fail government, clap, clap. Vote Fianna Fail! Vote Fianna Fail!

This is why I hate politics and politicians. Fucking lying bastards the lot of them.

That was before the winds changed. Keep up.
FF are merely adjusting to the mood of the country.

As an aside what’s the difference between populist policies and reflecting the will of the people that elect you? I.e. should politicans be populist all the time or not reflect the peoples will?

It was funny in a very sad way listening to him. To a man/woman, they will say absolutely anything in order to get elected then brazenly go back on what they say once in power. I wouldn’t mind but I always thought McGrath was about the best of those cunts in that he was consistently rolled out to defend the cunts for years when the rest of them went to ground as the party “reinvented” itself. Fucking cunts the lot of them.

what I dont understand though is why they arent pulled up on it more often. They are going around spouting their populist shite when half of the things they are mouthing on about now were decisions that they made. Politics infuriate me. Instead of actually trying to contribute and to make things work, opposition parties just jump on a bandwagon and slate the party in power, yet they would be at the very same thing if they were in power. Its utterly pointless shit that goes on, and of no benefit to anyone, but themselves. which is why I fucking hate them. All their policies and bonuses and benefits, the amount of shit they throw into their salaries and pensions is fucking disgraceful. A law unto themselves, and they couldnt give a shit about anyone else.

Gerry Adams another one. ‘I’m not paying my water charges, I stand with the people’. yeah, your fucking house in Belfast you thick cunt, why would you even be liable for water charges? Oh, your ‘holiday home’ in Donegal. FFS.

Adams was on Morning Ireland this morning. Asked about Eurostat rules and water costing 1 billion if state funded rather than “off balance” sheet through Irish Water

he said he knew nothing about EU rules but would tell the EU to “bugger off”

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1040667, member: 2272”]Adams was on Morning Ireland this morning. Asked about Eurostat rules and water costing 1 billion if state funded rather than “off balance” sheet through Irish Water

he said he knew nothing about EU rules but would tell the EU to “bugger off”[/QUOTE]

H’on Gerry. You fucking tell them. Its our water. Fuck Enda. Fuck the troika. Burn the bondholders.

Anything but answer the question or understand what is actually going on.