Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Croynism is probably overstated slightly in that the CEO was always going to be someone from a body who had previously run water services. Seeing as the only people in the country who oversaw the water were the various county managers it was inevitable that a lot of these guy would end involved in Irish Water, no?

Still makes grim reading:


[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1041575, member: 1786”]Still makes grim reading:


Bloody hell.

Can anyone put it up in text form… Cannot open it here.

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1041575, member: 1786”]Still makes grim reading:

Fucking hell…grim is right. Fucking cunts.

Anyone know how to go about becoming one of the inner circle? Would you need to become active in politics or some such?

Instead of complaining I want in.

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 1041629, member: 332”]Anyone know how to go about becoming one of the inner circle? Would you need to become active in politics or some such?

Instead of complaining I want in.[/QUOTE]

You’re too honest and your neck isn’t thick enough

@Mac is seething- your avatar and self decription are a joke. You’re a broken man.

If you can’t be proud at being a TFK poll winner then what else is there to be proud of?

Being a father…

I’m a father in real life Art. Not on TFK.


In the aftermath of Wednesday’s High Court application by Irish Water and GMC Sierra they surely hoped that the protest movement would subside in the North East of Dublin.

Instead, after the protest in Northwood that day and Coolock Garda station that night residents readied themselves yesterday morning in Ayrfield, Clare Hall and Donaghmede in such numbers to resist meter installation that they didn’t attempt to start work after scoping the area. Now they are going back to the drawing board over their installation programme.

It’s a massive testament to the resolve of local residents who stepped into the fray in recent weeks and months that they were not bowed by an enhanced injunction and police brutality.

The attempt today and yesterday by politicians and establishment media to paint the growing movement as some sort plaything of left and republican groups is an insult to the thousands of residents who have participated at street meetings and protests across the North East of Dublin. The experience of political activists such as myself and our resources has counted for something but not without the active involvement of residents. Together these residents dwarf in numbers the total amount of political activists in the community.

The establishment attempt to delegitimise our movement won’t work.

The latest figures available to us suggest that non registration is currently in the order of 60% placing us in a very strong position. Our attention now must turn not just to the next big protest event but to intensively discussing with the 40% to bring them back on board with the boycott when the first bill arrives in late January. Organising the boycott through street stalls, leafleting masses, DART stations, Bingo Halls and door to door knocking will be the priority of the We Won’t Pay campaign and Anti Austerity Alliance from here on and I invite as many residents as possible to participate in this essential work.

FG are really pushing this Dark Forces agenda - anything to frighten the masses away from standing up for themselves. A couple of Scumbags up in Coolock getting rough with the Guards is not representative of the thousands who have been protesting peacefully.

Dinny’s Independent was gas this morning. “Water protests infiltrated by dissidents” screamed the headline, Leo Varadker warning about a “sinister fringe” and stating “it’s only a matter of time before someone gets hurt”

DOBs Indo leading with another “anti” protestors story this morning. They should change its name to The Government Bugle or similar

I don’t think it’s the government that Dinny is serving here.


One up for Plod in that one. Sergeant Actually fairly made shit of yer man.

You’re well suited with your snout stuck up that other pigs hole.

One up for Plod in that one. Sergeant Actually fairly made shit of yer man.

You appear to be trying to bait me for a few days now so I suggest you take one of your three most regular postings and implement it for once and for all.

  1. Threaten to leave the forum.

  2. Defect to Tipperary

  3. Cry

Or, a bonus fourth option, go fuck yourself.