Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

[QUOTE=“Elvis Brandenberg Kremmen, post: 1042258, member: 1624”]One up for Plod in that one. Sergeant Actually fairly made shit of yer man.

You appear to be trying to bait me for a few days now so I suggest you take one of your three most regular postings and implement it for once and for all.

  1. Threaten to leave the forum.

  2. Defect to Tipperary

  3. Cry

Or, a bonus fourth option, go fuck yourself.[/QUOTE]

Oink Oink!!





i’d take a bat to them.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1045508, member: 168”]

i’d take a bat to them.[/QUOTE]
Step 1, get the camera phone and bury it along with the water meter. Step 2, ware the shovel off the thick cunts head.

You’re an english descended retarded kk pig!

And you’re a faggot, most probably lying in a wank stained bedsit in some hovel in the middle of nowhere. Apes like you are a pure waste of oxygen.

There’s no need for that mixer. If you can’t take a joke you shouldn’t read this forum.:confused: You shouldn’t start a sentence with the word and either.

that cunt should have been hit over the head with a shovel, he was the roaster who tried to attack a ref in the meath louth game in 2010 @1.22


[QUOTE=“Tassotti, post: 1045731, member: 361”]that cunt should have been hit over the head with a shovel, he was the roaster who tried to attack a ref in the meath louth game in 2010 @1.22


They should have wore the darby off the back of his head and buried him with the meter… fucking cunt.

[QUOTE=“Tassotti, post: 1045731, member: 361”]that cunt should have been hit over the head with a shovel, he was the roaster who tried to attack a ref in the meath louth game in 2010 @1.22


Remember being in Crete on a inbetweeners type holiday back in the Celtic Tiger. Never forget meeting two absolute cunts who made the Black North Londoners from hackney in Malia seem like saints. Co. Louth freaks, an abomination of a county - the cunts were singing I’d rather be a paki then a royal outside a dirty kebab shop. It was their rapist accents that were the most offensive.

I was at a wedding in Louth a few weeks ago… the worst type cunts I ever broke bread with. May as well have been in Walsall.

They are the worst of the worst, can’t describe how dislikable they are. An absolute abomination of a county in my opinion.

What do you mean by that KP?

The three lads posting previous to you are only messing about tabby. They don’t really mean what they’re saying.

The Water Protesters clamped Joan Burton today. Literally.
They surrounded her car as she tried to leave a graduation ceremony in Jobstown and barricaded her in there for two hours. The gardai eventually made two arrests and evacuated her from the area in a Garda car.

Imprisoning a woman for over 2 hours, peaceful protests my hole.

jobstown… surely most of protesters would be getting exemptions anyway.

Agreed. The marches in towns were peaceful protests. Most of the other stuff posted up of lads screaming in the faces of workers and gardai is clearly not.

She’s getting well paid for them two and a half hours,fuck her the auld hag

The gardai are giving plenty of it themselves.