Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs


This doesn’t seem to be about water anymore.

The working people have had enough of paying salaries to overpaid inefficient public servants and politicians. We get very little in return for our enormous tax bill.

We have been paying for water in our taxes always. These new charges are there so that the public servants can continue to receive their benefits.

The problem with socialism is that at some point you run out of spending other peoples money. We appear to have hit this point.

[QUOTE=“ProjectX, post: 1046404, member: 1742”]This doesn’t seem to be about water anymore.

The working people have had enough of paying salaries to overpaid inefficient public servants and politicians. We get very little in return for our enormous tax bill.

We have been paying for water in our taxes always. These new charges are there so that the public servants can continue to receive their benefits.

The problem with socialism is that at some point you run out of spending other peoples money. We appear to have hit this point.[/QUOTE]

Thats sums it up.

[QUOTE=“ProjectX, post: 1046404, member: 1742”]This doesn’t seem to be about water anymore.

The working people have had enough of paying salaries to overpaid inefficient public servants and politicians. We get very little in return for our enormous tax bill.

We have been paying for water in our taxes always. These new charges are there so that the public servants can continue to receive their benefits.

The problem with socialism is that at some point you run out of spending other peoples money. We appear to have hit this point.[/QUOTE]

Completely ignoring the fact that these austerity measures are being put in place because of a massive failure in the private banking system.

[QUOTE=“ProjectX, post: 1046404, member: 1742”]This doesn’t seem to be about water anymore.

The working people have had enough of paying salaries to overpaid inefficient public servants and politicians. We get very little in return for our enormous tax bill.

We have been paying for water in our taxes always. These new charges are there so that the public servants can continue to receive their benefits.

The problem with socialism is that at some point you run out of spending other peoples money. We appear to have hit this point.[/QUOTE]

What socialism is this now?

160 billion euro increase in national debt since 2006.

The banking debt accounts for approx 35 billion of that. Less than 25%. The country will get some small amount of the 35 billion back it would seem.

Despite the working people of Ireland forking out 52% of their income to the government, they still needed to put the nation in additional debt of 125 billion euro to pay for the public service salaries and departments.

[QUOTE=“ProjectX, post: 1046450, member: 1742”]160 billion euro increase in national debt since 2006.

The banking debt accounts for approx 35 billion of that. Less than 25%. The country will get some small amount of the 35 billion back it would seem.

Despite the working people of Ireland forking out 52% of their income to the government, they still needed to put the nation in additional debt of 125 billion euro to pay for the public service salaries and departments.[/QUOTE]

So the financial crisis is incidental to the austerity programme? If you can’t see how detached from reality that argument is you probably shouldn’t be diagnosing the mindset of an entire society.

Finance and economics don’t appear to be your thing.

75%( 125 billion euro) of the national debt increase since 2006 is to pay for the public service. This is a huge amount when you consider the enormous taxes that the private sector workers have been paying in that time.

The private sector cannot continue to pay for the public service in its current form. The numbers are there for all to see and if you have other numbers perhaps you can share them with us all

[QUOTE=“ProjectX, post: 1046453, member: 1742”]Finance and economics don’t appear to be your thing.

75%( 125 billion euro) of the national debt increase since 2006 is to pay for the public service. This is a huge amount when you consider the enormous taxes that the private sector workers have been paying in that time.

The private sector cannot continue to pay for the public service in its current form. The numbers are there for all to see and if you have other numbers perhaps you can share them with us all[/QUOTE]

So what would you suggest we do to the public service? Remember public servants are subject to paye so pay a huge percentage of this tax intake. And have all got paycuts. You seem to be completely ignoring the fact we had some of the most bone useless bankers in the world, the majority of whom are still working here. Deregulation killed this country and a government and bank championed credit culture, there has to be a public sector believe it or not.

[QUOTE=“ProjectX, post: 1046453, member: 1742”]Finance and economics don’t appear to be your thing.

75%( 125 billion euro) of the national debt increase since 2006 is to pay for the public service. This is a huge amount when you consider the enormous taxes that the private sector workers have been paying in that time.

The private sector cannot continue to pay for the public service in its current form. The numbers are there for all to see and if you have other numbers perhaps you can share them with us all[/QUOTE]

Sorry to trouble you with my lack of expertise, Milton, but what percentage of the national debt should be attributed to public services?

Your question indicates you not understand the purpose of national debt. First you need to do some research into why it is desirable for nation states to have a national debt.

Then you may be able to put your question into some context.

[QUOTE=“ProjectX, post: 1046404, member: 1742”]
The problem with socialism is that at some point you run out of spending other peoples money. [/QUOTE]

The only I hate worse than Thatcher, is her adoring thatcherite minion cunts quoting her like regurgitated pablum.

Why don’t you throw in a bit of auld Ayn Rand while you’re at it.

What austerity

We spent more in 2013 than height of the boom in 2006

We are spending more than twice what we did in 2000 - are services twice as good?

Public service seems to be a black hole. Social Welfare is a black hole. Cuts in so far as they happened were mainly to capital spending.

Year Total
1997 18,857,499
1998 20,512,341
1999 22,810,750
2000 26,077,114
2001 31,303,197
2002 35,808,391
2003 38,364,390
2004 40,750,645
2005 45,095,031
2006 50,016,306
2007 56,426,010
2011 57,361,945
2012 55,838,480
2013 54,576,917


[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1046501, member: 2272”]What austerity

We spent more in 2013 than height of the boom in 2006

We are spending more than twice what we did in 2000 - are services twice as good?

Public service seems to be a black hole.

YearTotal (€ 000)y-o-y %Current (€ 000)y-o-y %Capital (€ 000)y-o-y %


has there ever been a figure produced for the amount of money the Public service forks out to consultants?.. would love to see it…

Agreed. They should commission Deloitte to publish a report into it.

The cops fairly fucked this one out of the way of the great leader


[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1046545, member: 1786”]The cops fairly fucked this one out of the way of the great leader


:clap: great restraint by the Gardaí, anyone running at the car of the leader of any other country wouldn’t be long catching the deadness.

+1 Unbelievable the neck of some of these people, WTF do they think will happen when they act in this manner? Not much peaceful
Protesting going on of late it seems.

hon the guards

County Council Water vans burnt out in Cork
Michael Noonan heckled in Limerick
Protestors blocked Kennys car in Sligo.

The government only have themselves to blame for allowing this to rumble on so long. It was inevitable the protests would get more aggressive if there wasn’t seen to be action on changing the nature of the charges.