Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1046759, member: 1786”]County Council Water vans burnt out in Cork
Michael Noonan heckled in Limerick
Protestors blocked Kennys car in Sligo.

The government only have themselves to blame for allowing this to rumble on so long. It was inevitable the protests would get more aggressive if there wasn’t seen to be action on changing the nature of the charges.[/QUOTE]

I don’t think it was inevitable at all. We have an extremely placid nature in terms of our history of protest in this country. I would say it’s surprising how some of the protests have turned nasty.

Would agree with that. Attacking tds, bomb threats, burning vans. Over a water charge? Someone already mentioned it’s probably a tipping point culminating of taxes over the last couple of years, but it’s horse shit what some of these clowns are at.


why haven’t people marched on the banks and pegged a few water balloons at them rather than at Joan Burton?! all very placid until now. I wonder is the worse of it over or will it turn nasty on the big march in a few weeks time

blueshirts have ruined the country, the sooner Fianna Fail are back in the better

Varadkar on Prime Time “We know what’s going to happen. They’ll all pay.”

Agreed. While I don’t agree with a lot of what is going on, it is somewhat heartening to know that we don’t just bend over all the time. Most of this anger is misdirected though and a load of scumbags like choco mice are using this as an opportunity to act like a thug. The government’s mishandling of this is as grossly incompetent as anything that has gone on here in the last 20 years and I voted for the cunts.

This is a Fine Gaels poll tax moment. Astonishingly bad politics from start to finish. FG had a tap in to win the next election but the way they have mishandled this issue and let it get out of control means that they have less than 12 months to turn things around and get into a position where they can win the next election. Otherwise they are going to gift an election to an unelectable opposition.

So you’d prefer FG?

FG-Labour Coalition has presided over what has been almost an economic miracle giving where we were when they took office. They have managed to get themselves no credit for that. Rate of economic growth is highest in Europe. Arguable that the FG led coalition of 94-97 led to the Celtic Tiger of 1995 to 2000 and growth rates of close to 10% per annum.

In terms of economic matters a FG-Labour coalition seems to work well.

Hardly that astonishing fagan, FG have a rich history of nit being able to walk past a sleeping dog without kicking it.

If anything FG have and always should be unelectable. People just forget that occasionally and then they get a reminder every ten or so years.

The clueless cunts have made a total fuck of things when they were handed the tools to destroy FF once and for all (garda, planning, banks etc)

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1046844, member: 2272”]FG-Labour Coalition has presided over what has been almost an economic miracle giving where we were when they took office. They have managed to get themselves no credit for that. Rate of economic growth is highest in Europe. Arguable that the FG led coalition of 94-97 led to the Celtic Tiger of 1995 to 2000 and growth rates of close to 10% per annum.

In terms of economic matters a FG-Labour coalition seems to work well.[/QUOTE]


Arse, on economic matters they all got wankered drunk and made the bank debt sovereign.

The economy had sunk so low there couldnt be anything but growth but to people like you the harasser of dying women is some kind of economic genius

“An end to boom bust” my fucking hole

In relation to your first point, it was already obvious that for the first time in a long long time Irish people weren’t going to be placid about the issue. Surely marches of 100k + would tell you that. When you have that many people protesting, you will always have a cohort who are intent on taking things a step further and the longer who you let something drag on the more likely it is to happen.

But why wasn’t Paddy protesting at all the other wicked stuff FG did in the last three years?

Giving them enough rope to hang themselves

Straw that broke the camels back and all that.
It’s a testament really as how badly FG managed to fuck the whole thing up. If you manage to get Paddy out protesting in those numbers then you know you’ve done something very wrong.

Arse, on economic matters they all got wankered drunk and made the bank debt sovereign.

The economy had sunk so low there couldnt be anything but growth but to people like you the harasser of dying women is some kind of economic genius

“An end to boom bust” my fucking hole[/QUOTE]

Not true. growth was in no way inevitable

growth is at five per cent - unemployment is falling - income tax cuts this year

that fucking asshole one who was fucked out of the way is on Ray cunts radio show now. And she saying she just happened to be crossing the road, so took the opportunity to hit the bonnet of his car. She didnt get a slap off the bollard, someone else broke her fall she says. And Darcy pushing her if she would make a complaint. The fucking bitch should be fucked in jail. You attack a countries leaders car and you should be prepared to suffer the consequences of it, not be a fucking moany cunt. Protest, hold your banner, roar abuse at him if you want, but if you run out onto the road and make a go at him or the car, you deserved an awful lot more than to be thrown out of the way.

If anything the last few months has involved Fine Gael reacting to the gains SF are making in the polls and then SF retaliate by pouring more fire on the flames of protest.

Meanwhile FF are sitting back and are allowing them to rip each other apart until an election is called.

I think the real reason that things have culminated as they have, is that the Coalition has been more out of touch with public opinion than any government I can ever recall in my 40-odd years.

Granted, they were dealt a shit hand by FF, but the absolute bowing to to the interests of the troika, the wealthy and big business has resulted in the most reality-detached administration ever. They remind me of how the GAA is run - by faceless people in Croke Park who never saw a poor day and infected by an arrogant belief that they hold a monopoly on what is best.

Perversely, FF may have been the best party to lead the country out of the mess as they’ve always been more adept in gauging the public mood.

I would class myself as a floating voter although I’ve never voted for a Fine Gael candidate. In the past I’ve voted Labour, FF and Independent. Next time out, I don’t know which way I’ll go as there appears to be no viable opposition. Labour will get tanked, FF will not gain anywhere near enough to be the major coalition partner and I think SF have feet of clay. You’re looking at a Dail where FF and FG will both be around the 50-seat mark, SF will have in the region of 20-25, Labour will hold 15 or so with approx 20-odd Independents. A clusterfuck waiting to happen.

Get her name, she needs nominating in the COTY poll.