Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

[QUOTE=“Joe Player, post: 1056178, member: 2692”]anyone?

is water free?>[/QUOTE]
Water is indeed free, go to your local river with your bucket and fill away until your heart’s content Joe.

so the irish people pay for it already. but the gov provide a terrible service so we have to pay more for a service we already pay for? when does this cycle end bud? people have had enough usc and household charges and the corrupt people walk free. there are no service for disabled in this country they keep taking money and not giving back.

Somebody on TFK said there was 100k +

Pathetic from Chocolatw Mice

You’re not wrong Joe.
The man who made an absolute fuck of setting Irish Water up waltzed into a commissionership role in Europe with a 250k salary, to go along with all his other pension entitlements etc.

Ah yes I agree with the general point Joe-a shower of wasters we have up in Dublin but the concept of paying a tax towards the development and maintenance of a good water infrastructure and also as a method of conservation is a good one. It works well in every other western country. I would be out on the street if they organised a USC protest. Do you know if Richard Boyd Barrat or Clare Daly are organising one of those?

Deliberate policy to move from taxing labour to a wider tax base. Designed to create jobs and not penalise people who get out and work. Moves iW off balance sheet for government which we are told has a benefit in terms of deficit thresholds and targets.

You are a fucking dickhead. These are joe players words 100% . So take them in and shit them out you utter waste of space. You make no contribution to the board.

Ok bud. We have to stand up for ourselves too. I don’t mind a small charge for water but they will walk all over us if we let them. Will the money go towards fixing the system or to pay off the bondholders? A handy job for Enda’s buddies.

The bondholders have to be allowed drink water too Joe. Its their right.

But from our taps?

If a neighbours house burned down would you leave them out on the street?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1056147, member: 273”]Ya it’s spent on those scumbags bullying and abusing the mentally challenged adults we saw being exposed the other night.

That’s what we should be on the streets for. They should go to jail, not be suspended with pay. That’s our HSE[/QUOTE]
That has nothing to do with whether we should cut health spending or not.

What neighbours ?

No one mentioned you Joe. No one. Why would you take it to mean you? Joe is rattled, rattled badly. No card can bring him back from this.

how does the water charge lead to conservation?

You came at me like a wrecking baaaaaaaalllllllllll

Dont fuck with a wrecking ball Joe, especially one not aimed at you.

The the player plays how he wants

You’re out of order here Joe.