Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

I imagine Ming was delighted when he saw that. Online bullying? it’s fucking politics ffs, that was sheer gold for Ming when it became known over a year ago.

[SIZE=6]Whistleblower Wilson arrested at Cavan protest[/SIZE]
http://static.rasset.ie/static/news/img/clock.svgTuesday 21 April
Penalty points whistleblower and former garda John Wilson is among three men arrested in Cavan town this morning during a water charge protest.
Gardaí said that three men, aged 21, 46 and 52 were arrested at around 9.30am at Kinvara Crescent.
The men are all being detained at Cavan Garda Station.

[QUOTE=“Raylan, post: 1126840, member: 2891”][SIZE=6]Whistleblower Wilson arrested at Cavan protest[/SIZE]
Penalty points whistleblower and former garda John Wilson is among three men arrested in Cavan town this morning during a water charge protest.
Gardaí said that three men, aged 21, 46 and 52 were arrested at around 9.30am at Kinvara Crescent.
The men are all being detained at Cavan Garda Station.[/QUOTE]

I’d say the cops fucking loved that

[QUOTE=“Raylan, post: 1126840, member: 2891”][SIZE=6]Whistleblower Wilson arrested at Cavan protest[/SIZE]
http://static.rasset.ie/static/news/img/clock.svgTuesday 21 April
Penalty points whistleblower and former garda John Wilson is among three men arrested in Cavan town this morning during a water charge protest.
Gardaí said that three men, aged 21, 46 and 52 were arrested at around 9.30am at Kinvara Crescent.
The men are all being detained at Cavan Garda Station.[/QUOTE]

Ah so thats why they couldn’t assist in the search for Joe Whelan in the last 2 1/2 weeks.

I’d say he loved it, the attention-seeking cunt

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That was a very odd case which seems to be getting very little coverage.
was he off his head?

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1126844, member: 1786”]That was a very odd case which seems to be getting very little coverage.
was he off his head?[/QUOTE]

Who knows but the gardai haven’t exactly covered themselves in glory with assisting in the search for him.

In his last phone he claimed he was being chased by “5 police men” through a housing estate, some items of clothing were found on farmland and then he turns up two weeks later in a lake. The Garda have ruled out foul play. Very odd.

[QUOTE=“Raylan, post: 1126840, member: 2891”][SIZE=6]Whistleblower Wilson arrested at Cavan protest[/SIZE]
http://static.rasset.ie/static/news/img/clock.svgTuesday 21 April
Penalty points whistleblower and former garda John Wilson is among three men arrested in Cavan town this morning during a water charge protest.
Gardaí said that three men, aged 21, 46 and 52 were arrested at around 9.30am at Kinvara Crescent.
The men are all being detained at Cavan Garda Station.[/QUOTE]

An estate in Cavan that’s called ‘The head of the sea’. :smiley:

Twas some boom all the same.

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Exactly. A mate of mine went on the search. Detective refused to provide any assistance whatsoever and any searches were done by volunteer groups (including a Shannon search crew from Limerick) and family/friends. The wife has put in a complaint to GSOC.

Only 43% of households have paid… that’s one in the loss column for Enda.

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Those figures don’t stack up either unless the average bill is 45 quid.

Looks like 15-20% of total households have paid

I had a meter installed, but my bill was the unmetered charge, so they aren’t even bothering going around to read the meters.

(I know everyone pays the same, but if you get a metered bill it tells you your usage and you can identify if you have any leaks)

@ChocolateMice and his comrades are on the verge of victory here.

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EU going to give bad news to the irish government.


Kenny’s super quango fucked now. A huge mistake by Anal Kelly and his Blueshirt chums in Government. Deeeelighted. Now all we can hope for is that the Tipp roasters who voted this cunt into a seat will rectify that anomaly next time out.

Listening to Noonan screeching about it and spinning it as a success makes it all the more laughable.

Bring me up to speed here guys?

They failed the test which would allow the fuckers to borrow money ‘off the books’ and now this quango has to be considered when calculating the national debt.

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Al it does is keep it out of OBriens claws for another while and guarantees he ll get it even cheaper

So Pearse Doherty was on morning Ireland there. From what I gathered he wanted to;

  • replace Irish water with a national utility
  • keep all the staff from Irish water
  • abolish water charges
  • invest into the water system the same amount as IW plan
  • use govt borrowing to pay for this investment
  • they won’t have to cut back spending in other areas to pay for this, actually they’ll be able to increase spending there too

He didn’t mention increased taxes, but presumably that’s how he intends to pay for not just the interest on the loans, but also the significant ongoing opex (or maybe he intends to borrow every year for it Greek style?)

This is as much fairytale economics as the current shambles.