Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

It was SF fault that the water quango exists in the first place I suppose? This is an unbelievable clusterfuck sponsored by FG and Lab. Lets hope Anal Kelly gets his comeuppance.

So instead of trying to inflict another tax on the nation they’ve gone and added 500m to the national debt??? Is that it?

I suppose all the mugs on here who couldn’t wait to sign up and paid up instantly will now be happy to fork out for the arrears… You couldn’t make it up, only in this country can a government make such a bollox of things yet the sheep they oversee will continue to do as told. Unbelievable.

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no harm increasing tax on the rich

To date Irish water has been a tax on the stupid -

doherty has no credibility whatsover, an absolute spoofer and a bullshitter, ok every state needs the ould harmless naysayer, the fella the working man can “relate” to but this fella’s waffles are so stupid i think even the dullest seem to have abandoned him.

I had a great retort there the other night to a SF member, his ould fella resigned from the party at home, ye prob heard about that last week , anayway, he was giving it the hoo ha about SF and the banking inquiry, the usual lazy FF this, joe rich should pay us that, I said listen pal, if it wasnt for FF and Bertie back in 1998 the majority of you lot would still be in prison … he went dead quite, it was quite a clamping in fairness


@mac or @myboyblue - as the biggest lickspittles on the board what’s going on here? How much will you lads now have to pay going forward? Do you feel like cunts at all after being stitched up?

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I can’t wait till the boys turn up to smash your back door in for non compliance you crusty cunt.

Dr Rory Hearne from Maynooth University has absolutely fucking destroyed all comers on Prime Time. Well played, Rory pal.

Irish Water is all done for the next 6 months at least.

However, after the election, the politicians will restart and accelerate their campaign against the Irish people.

Denis O Brien must be paid, after all…

you must not pay the Property tax, nor must you have a private pension fund, not must you pay income tax.

Over 1 Billion euro from these sources have already been diverted to Irish Water.

That horrible dub on TV wants to take water from the Shannon in order to waste 160 million litres per day through the leaks in the dub pipes.

Here’s a deal, give us your water and we’ll continue the economic transfer that keeps your region afloat.

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We run the country Mr tailback :grinning: .

The dubs ruined it. We fixed it.

pretty idiotic of you to ignore your own “region” when fixing it


I agree, that SF lad should have known better but of course your own recollection of history looked at through FF glasses is wrong as well. Bertie had a part to play in it but like everything else the cunt did, he waded in when the hard work was done.

Pay for the water you need to use and then we can talk. If you need to water your croquet lawn then conserve the water that is pissed away through your leaky pipes.

Well said, that man. The blueshirt model of doing things, like they did when one of them gave inside information to that cunt OBrien, couldn’t be stopped by our own worthless law enforcement officials. It had to be stopped using their beloved European rules. Anal Kelly has no credibility whatsoever and that cunt Hogan should be brought back here and made to sweep the streets for the rest of his miserable days.

Our own region is doing extremely well, thank you.

@ChocolateMice Great turnout today :clap: