Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

I see the hobbit signed the marriage equality act into law today. Cynical cunts will try anything to keep water protest out of the headlines

How many was there? Passed the shindig and looked far lower than the 80K rumored. Harmless enough shit really.

Harmless enough allright. The only thing is, whether or not you re pro or anti the charges, the way the whole thing has been handled will ensure that we’ll have 160 independent TDs in the next dail


Your hoop

About 1500 crusty looking unemployed cunts more likely.


Panti was there and all shur

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You wouldn’t say that to the minister for health.

Did you drive up or get the train Harry?

I have a job. I don’t have time to fuck off up to Dublin of a Saturday roaring & shouting and generally being a nuisance.

It’s amazing how all the UNEMPLOYED CRUSTY cunts won’t pay for their water, yet they will apply for the Grants. Amazing how they can pay for their Sky TV, camera phones & internet. Amazing how they can pay for everything bar water.


To quote yourself pal, stage 5 :smile:

Stage 5 me hole.

All of the above is true.

_agree rating

Cheque from the community social officer

That little wanker Murphy had no answer the other morning on the Pat Kenny show when asked why those unwilling to pay for water had no problem applying for the grants. He said it would be stupid not to apply. These social welfare cunts want want want, but life should not work that way.


People are very pissed off in this county, we are being led to believe that the recession is over, it’s a fucking joke, I won’t lie the recession luckily hasn’t effected me either as I’ve never had to sign on etc got a job a week after I finished college in 2009 and have being working ever since.

But there is a lot of people friends and family of mine who work would 7 days a week but in this climate without any construction etc going on are absolutely fucked.

Rural Ireland is also absolutely being neglected, Water charges is just a tipping point, your average Irish person has had enough.

Bollix bollix bollix.

I know a dozen people on the dole who refuse to take up work due to losing medical cards & benefits. A recent excuse for refusing a job was having to pay for fuel & lunch if taking the job.

Anyone with an ounce of get up & go can find work. So fuck off with your shite.

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The recession is over. Rural Ireland is fine. What would a townie cunt from Limerick know about rural Ireland. Jog on

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Plenty pal, half of my family come from a very rural part of west Limerick.


:rollseyes: yourself

Limerick City is a great place to live, the worst of the cunts that we had are you’re neighbours now in Portlaoise.