Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Typical attitude on display here…start calling protestors scumbags, dolers and attacking their accents and clothing…the working classes are the only ones with any backbone in this country, your rural fucktards willingly take it up the shitter without complaint…I also think you’ll find most people protesting wouldn’t be opposed to a once offyearly payment for water but instead have called out the government for basically trying to introduce another tax.

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People protesting are opposed to any yearly payment that is not Sky TV.

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an ape



Lar Corbett is going to get you Harry.

@The_Most_Infamous yet again coming across as an idiot. :clap:

Whereas you’ve sided with the majority as per usual,

FG won’t look after failed mechanics in Cashel pal I’ve news for you.

What a cluster fuck of a performance here from the townie cunt

Did you go up yourself?

More lies from the govt on water charges. Paul Murphys FOI came through and looks like one in 3 has paid

I got a hundred quid today :clap:

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Rural Ireland has for the most part been paying for its own water all along. Since when did people living in cities give two fucks about “boggers” down in the sticks? I’m with @carryharry on this (albeit old) one.

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Michael Noonan delivers again :clap:

I must move my vote down to Limerick city so I can have the honour of giving him my number 1.

So the latest spin is that 60% of households have paid something off their bill :joy: However, they have only collected just over 100m to date when their target was to have over 200m by now - They also paid out 75m in grants - so they’re only up 25m after all their horse shit and large salaries and contracts handed out. :joy:

Fine Gael - laughing stock.

@ProjectX, @TheUlteriorMotive, @myboyblue - up your bollox.


Yours and @ChocolateMice’s posts are perfectly compatible.

I’m not opposed to paying a yearly once off flat rate for water improvements - say 100 euro. But privitizing Irish water for corporates to use and abuse as they like is the stuff of sheer lunacy and only those without a back bone would take it… of course, the fact that we are not educated in this country means people are not able to think for themselves and just do what they are told.

The silence from @TreatyStones, @Julio_Geordio and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is deafening.