Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

I am not in favour of an additional charge for water. We already pay for it.


Yes - I’m being serious. One might say “in all seriousness”, to coin a phrase as it were so to speak.


We’ve Won!


I don’t think anybody has won except the company that sold the water meters.

The campaign has won.
In the broader sense you are right.

The lickspittles like @myboyblue, @ProjectX and @HBV were rightly mugged off… mugged off good and proper… they spit on working classes here every day yet those same working classes were the only ones with backbone who stood up to the bully tactics of government and the oligarchs who stood to profit from this.

I never advocated not paying something towards water, we all know it needs investment, but to privatize water so the likes of Denis O’Brien could have families living in fear of turning on a tap or flushing a toilet is immoral and thank fuck for the ordinary people in this country who stood up to this.

The obvious thing to do is to introduce a standing yearly charge depending on circumstances, along the lines of property tax where people can pay it in small installments over the year- they should actually be incorporate both into one payment and save millions more creating another department.


I said it at the time that this is what should have happened.

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So you are now in favour of water charges *

  • your proposal makes sense and is what they should have done in first place

If you read back over any of my posts you will see I was always for paying something…we all know it needs investment. I was against the privatization of Irish water.

The capitalists have lost a big battle here and it is a great message that the Irish have sent out to the world.

So, what is the end result here? What solution is being put forward by the politicians to address the under-investment in water? Some gombeen that called to my door during the election campaign said his solution was to hand it back to the county councils.

(@carryharry - I need to borrow one of your gifs pal)

Can you bullet point that?

  1. Myboyblue mugged off

How many of my houses should I have been paying charges on?


The answer is none … what you paid out is a different story.

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Winner winner.

If it needs investment and it does then would you ring fence water charges to pay for the investment - politicians won’t do that I suspect as there are no votes in no leaks

Putting in meters was daft and a waste of money.

A levy on washing machines, showers, dishwashers and power hoses should also be introduced

The first big crisis new government will face will be calls to refund people who paid the water charge

So, you are in favour of Irish Water?

I am against Irish Water.

How about giving everyone €100 to try and shut them up

Fuck em.