Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 1026254, member: 180”]@Rocko, can we get an hypocrisy smiley?

Or failing that, make this quote of the week.[/QUOTE]

Or a gobshite smiley?

Ah, I think you just did there buddy.

social welfare recipients will get a 100 euro allowance

You beauty !!!

Its not a whole lot so I can understand their grieveance. However their anger is completely misdirected and misguided when they are directing it at the GMC employees and the Gardai. I also do not agree with how they are going about trying to intimidate the GMC workers. What was the cost to the taxpayer, of which none of these people are, of having approx 20 gardai to assist a man is carrying out his work?

Going to be interesting when they don’t pay the bills and attempts made to reduce water pressure into homes - not sure if that can be done remotely

I am considering doing this myself. I’m assuming that there is some way of turning it back on. Would you end up in court and being prosecuted if that happened?

As far as I know they cannot turn off or down the pressure.

Or so most of the groups campaigning against the charges are claiming.

Legislation says they cannot disconnect a dwelling but doesn’t say they cannot reduce pressure - as far as I understand that is what they plan to do to non payers, reduce pressure to extent you won’t be able to use washing machine, dishwasher, shower etc

thought you were in oz?

anyway, your argument is based on guesswork so it cant be taken at face value

strenghten yoru arguments in future mate instead of going off on one for no factual reason


As a backdrop… I have a water meter but both my mother and my wife’s parents have their own wells and septic tanks so I can appreciate both sides of the issue.

@Gman… Agreed… As it currently stands… The point I was driving at is that I cannot see Local/Central Government leaving X00,000 homes untapped as it were in this regard and it would not be beyond government to trump up some snotty little charge to squeeze extra out of people… it might even be easier to collect than water charges if levied through the County councils as revenue could then get involved and bear in mind that you have just registered that you don’t fit IW criteria, its easy then to conclude that you have a pump and septic tank… We already have septic tank registration charges… could they being made annual?.. only political pressure is holding this currently but a new govt in 2016 will have a ‘mandate’ and could push this… Bear in mind that water charges were only first uttered in Dail Eireann in 2009 so the various aspects of this process are not next years issue… Its 2017-2020 stuff.

Most people have already paid charges to County councils re planning etc and have often paid thousands to sink their well and put in septic tanks but the same could be said for stamp duty and that did not stop the household charge, double taxation is not precluded in this state.

I will readily pay for my water but I do have concerns in relation to handing over my PPS number… I don’t believe that IW won’t be sold on and I have serious reservations about handing over access to my social insurance/tax/social security details to a company that mailed several hundred registration packs to deceased members of the public- was this symptomatic of an understandable mistake? laziness? gross incompetence?or simply the company doesn’t give a fuck because the staff still get paid??? I am also keeping in mind that staff are taken from Bord Gais… that does not rule out the incompetence. As I have said previously, I am currently in the public service and the levels of incompetence seen in my area are staggering… most often from the guys that are lifers and don’t really give a rattling fuck. I have just had one of them here asking me to show him for the tenth time how to copy and paste material from a word document to an excel sheet… trained monkey stuff… This from a guy who can hold a relatively intelligent conversation on complex issues like the Middle East (at coffee break of course) so he is not stupid…

The recent undertaking by IW and Edna and his gang that it won’t be sold is absolute horseshit… The first sign of financial trouble and it is the utilities that are hocked off like the family silver and the legislation surrounding the introduction of IW has left it remarkably simple to sell it off.

Just something to consider is all.

[QUOTE=“The Selfish Giant, post: 1026308, member: 80”]thought you were in oz?

anyway, your argument is based on guesswork so it cant be taken at face value

strenghten yoru arguments in future mate instead of going off on one for no factual reason


I don’t live in oz pal, nor have I ever said I do? What argument?

I got sent this picture this morning.:slight_smile:

It’s the fact that you don’t have the intelligence or will to work back as to why these people may be angry or put in this position. No doubt their are scroungeds somewhere protesting, but these people are everywhere. You tar them all with the same brush for protesting something you don’t have to worry about. It’s the height in ignorence and snobbery.

You are a cunt.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1026313, member: 273”]It’s the fact that you don’t have the intelligence or will to work back as to why these people may be angry or put in this position. No doubt their are scroungeds somewhere protesting, but these people are everywhere. You tar them all with the same brush for protesting something you don’t have to worry about. It’s the height in ignorence and snobbery.

You are a cunt.[/QUOTE]

Read my post again you thick cunt. Where did I tar them all with the same brush? I said ‘the protesters in the videos I’ve seen’. But don’t let me stop you. Keep digging.

A national demonstration against water charges is to take place in Dublin on October 11th.

I’m not sure what can be done at this stage though?

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1026347, member: 1786”]A national demonstration against water charges is to take place in Dublin on October 11th.

I’m not sure what can be done at this stage though?[/QUOTE]

They could arrange a water boycott.

where does the guard assault her in that video ?..what does her being a grandmother have to do with it??..that’s a funny video…a big giant in amongst the cops leaning into them like a junior B full forward waiting for the high ball… ridiculous stuff…

It was a bad mark on her arm, but grabbing someone and moving them from a public road where they are blocking said public road and obstructing traffic does not constitute unreasonable force. They are entitled to protest, however what entitles them to prevent someone from carrying out their work and installing a metre? Did the GMC employee decide to introduce the water tax? Do peaceful protests generally involve harassment and bullying?

If the sheriff turns up at your door to claim money he believes is owed because you refuse to engage in a contract which is being forced on you even though the law says it is legal, does that make the sheriff any less of a cunt? No it does not. So the Denis OBrien GMC boys are of the same category ie cunts the lot of them.