Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Why aren’t you out protesting about that so? Where are all the crusties protesting about homelessness or health? Fucking brainwashed sheep.

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Where are all the “yes to equality” folks?

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I can’t do it all, bro… but i’m trying.


Fuck FF and FG

You couldn’t make it up. The same shinner retards and wasters who come out with failed socalist guff thinking they have stuck it to the man. Uneducated morons on housing estates


Ah great so a huge percentage of our most precious resource can continue to leak into the ground just so skangers can keep their sky subscriptions. What a victory.


Are people not our most precious resource? They are dying on the streets homless, throwing themselves off bridges and from lack of medical attention…

Looking at Irish water as a one off problem on it’s own is not going to solve the issue - because it’s not, it’s part of a wider problem we have… that problem is political.

Your snide remarks might have more substance if you were actually still resident and paying taxes in the country and not having pot shots from abroad.

You are wasting your time talking to these retards

People are the biggest drain on resources really. Way to blur the waters there associating fucking wasters with people with mental health issues. People suffering severe depression need increased help and resources. Dole for lifers need welfare cuts and to be forced take holidays in Ireland where their freebie money can at least go back into the economy, not pissed way in lanzarote. I paid taxes for ten years in Ireland and will again, I’m entitled to my opinion. Living away really highlights what a basket case of a country it is though.

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What percentage of the population have been on the dole for life? - In 2007 I beleive that only 11% of those on the dole were long tern unemployed - everyone else was between jobs - the evidence is there to show that when jobs are there the majority of people in this country work and have worked… but this has all been covered before — fuckers like you are as bad as the people you claim to be sponging … you spit and look down on anyone that doesn’t talk the way you want or dress the way you want and consider them skangers. There are major issues in this country and water is only one of them… The skangers as you call them have gone and stood up to a crooked and corrupt elite in a way that you and your kind never could. You’re a key board warrior and what really galls you is that these people have a backbone and you don’t. They are willing to fight while you ran away.


Keep day dreaming there horse, the scum who turned up to water protests knew well what they were at, if they kicked up enough fuss any cuts to their lifestyle funded fully by the state would be ruled out out of fear of further protests. I ran away for a short while alright, but I work, as does every other Irish person who emigrated. The layabouts who stayed at home didn’t stay for a fight, they realised that nowhere in the world would they get the wake up at 1pm lifestyle Ireland allows, so stayed there. And the non skangers, law abiding tax payers in Ireland, are who keep the stuttering economy going, not the leeches who, like you, are fully brainwashed into thinking refusing to participate in a functioning society is some sort of meaningful protest towards a socialist utopia. Every country has social problems, unfairness in wealth distribution, but I struggle to think of any country in the world where a blank refusal to ever contemplate working is as handsomely rewarded as Ireland.


‘‘I struggle to think of any country in the world where a blank refusal to ever contemplate working is as handsomely rewarded as Ireland’’

Show me the stats for that?

I’ll look later, I’m in this thing called work now, doesn’t lend hours to endless debates that the sites leeches seem to enjoy.

Infuriating decision.

Pathetic from the big two parties.

For the love of God could we get a proper right wing party in place.


Thinly veiled ‘I’ve got fuck all’

Fuck all time for endless googling. Well done on defeating the system with the water charge protests there though pal, I can’t wait to see the massive improvements to society it brings about.


Well said bandage. You have an extraordinary forehead.

Where the fuck were these protesters when the politicians took it up the swisser from the bankers and signed us up to multi-generational debt?

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Farcical. Water is the most important resource and we’ve the vast majority of it leaking away. Classic Ireland.

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Incredible post