Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Imagine if Ireland had a leader of the calibre of Gideon making the big calls

Friend of mine in Limerick was telling that ‘man of the people’ AAA’s Cian Prendiville who was encouraging all of limerick to burn their water bills was given a house in Brookeville estate, Clareview as a 21st birthday present from his parents. Another champagne socialist who never worked a day in his life and saw a handy job for 90k in the last election. Parents are originally from Dublin and are minted.


You couldn’t make it up

no credit to SF

Exactly. Lads want us to feel sorry for them that they’ve to go abroad and work ffs.

But he loves the working class.

You couldn’t make that up.

As somebody said famously if there was work in the bed he’d sleep on the floor.



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That cian prenderville is a right smelly crusty bastard who needs a good wash us what I heard.
Limericks shame.

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I’m amused and disgusted that we have a poster on here who is happy to go out all night with a crowbar looking for windows to climb thru while he wouldn’t work to warm himself when the sun comes up.
That’s the aaa crowd for you.

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Michael Martin is after Mugging Off sinn fein, fine Gael and Labour in one of the most cynical displays of politicing in Irish history. Michael Martin , the hero of the working classes. The man who brought down Irish water.

He has lost in his bid to get elected to the Seanad today. Back to organising pickets in Rathbane and Ballynanty for him.

That other AAA PBB mouth piece - Mick Barry, Cork North Central but also a Dub originally I believe - is another loud mouthed yob always screeching about inequality without every coming up with anything concrete bar ‘tax the rich’. Michael Healy Rae tore him to shreds on radio tonight.


it’s a bit is disappointing protests against water charges were what awoke the proletariat and not the savage austerity cuts brought upon the most vulnerable in society. Still it is reassuring to see that people still have some bit of a say in how the world works. A very small say…nonetheless our lords and masters will surely have taken note…


They needed leadership initially but it wasn’t forth coming… Not even from the Church…when you think of all the cuts and measures of austerity placed on the poor divils who had fuck all to do with it…the unfair society it has created… Not once did the good church come out and say anything or defend the vulnerable. Not even now in the height of the housing crisis…it was true for the Bull McCabe…


Charlie Flanagan on the radio there. He believes in the principle of paying for water. He does in his fuck. What kind of a principle is paying for water. We managed 90 odd years in this state without people talking shite about dying in the ditch so that people could have the privilege of paying for water. Until these cunts made fuck up after fuck up about one line in a Troika report and all of a sudden it’s a principle.


Look at rent prices. Food prices. Fuel prices… Pensioners and families afraid to turn on their heaters in winter… lads on here would have them afraid to turn on their tap just so they can beat down a sub-section of society they believe to be ‘claiming’ off the state for life. It’s a sick twisted mentality - What about developing a fairer society for every citizen?

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Good to see that some urbane Dubs are going down to the sticks to try and help out the Muldoons. Cian Prendiville seems like an alright sort.

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They’ll just not tax cut, or raise it or something. The money won’t fall from the sky (unlike the water)

Go get yourself a job and don’t mind your whinging bud