Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

We cant all be like you @upleitrim in F A S 3 DAY A WEEK

the smart ballsy guys always have work,the go getters, layabouts and sine fein voters are always looking for handouts

You giving out about the Housing Crisis? Fuck off. Sure you’re living in a gaff in Limerick during the week and another in Cork at the weekends! Greedy two gaff fucker. Sure you’d take one homeless family off the street if you sorted yourself out.

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classic shinner like his hero jarry with holidays homes all over donegal, funded by drugs and bank robberys

I’m not giving out - just merely explaing why people have had enough is all, pal… we still have to go for that curry in Douglas… we can extend the invite to @caoimhaoin also.

I’m up for that.

Be a night for the ages…

I wasn’t talking to you or was I.I’m confused again


unreal manoeuvre from micheal

I see Member of Parliament, Deputy Paul Murphy was assigned free legal aid today for his upcoming trial in Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

He earns 90k, how can he not afford it. Some bullshit.

He doesn’t take the TD wage, gets €1800 per month from the party, to whom he has arranged his wages be paid to.

Fuck him. That’s his personal choice. It’s not the state’s responsibility to pick up the bill because he donates over half his salary to a political party.


Too right.

He’s a special kind of Gobshite that fella

Well if the state weren’t trying to fit him up with these trumped up charges he wouldn’t need free legal aid.

Murphy has made absolute fools of Alan Kelly, Joan burton and ends Kenny against all the odds. Beating these nonsense charges will be a doddle for him. A true working class hero. James Connolly is smiling down upon him.


Has he fuck. This lad has no mandate beyond water charges, which will soon be forgotten about. He wouldn’t be laughing if he had to pay his own legal bill. A sharp reminder that just because you have a loudspeaker and mob of scumbags doesn’t mean you’re above the law.

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As you rightly point out, the water charges are dead. Paul Murphy wins. Enda, Burton and that poisonous bullyboy Alan Kelly lose. As Wolfie Smith used to say." Power to the people!"

Paul Murphy has endured police harassment , media bias and still come out on top. A working class hero indeed.

Not working class.