Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Indeed, but he has become more working class than the working class themselves. Maybe more a hero of the working class than the other way around. Either way he will never have to buy another drink in The Jobstown inn

I doubt he’d have the balls to set foot in the place. Great pub. It’s where I bonded with @Flano and @Sledgehammer

He has a job with a basic salary of €87,258. Tough sh*t if he’s giving handouts to his crusty commie comrades. He should be assessed on the €87,258. The taxpayer is getting hit on the double here.

@artfoley - what’s the criteria for getting criminal legal aid? I presume if you’re earning €87,258 (plus expenses), in the ordinary course of events, you don’t qualify?


The tax payer would be better served if the charges against Murphy were dropped. Absolutely ridiculous waste of Garda resources.


yep, the zealots on here cant face that simple facr

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There should be no giving into to these anarchists. That’s what the independent office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is there for.

Taxpayers largely pay their dues and that includes water charges. Its the layabout, social welfare, sponger classes who’ve never worked a day in their life and contribute nothing to the state coffers who are not paying and doing most of the agitating.


they pay VAT mate

If they’re as broke and destitute as they claim to be, they shouldn’t be paying any VAT. Life’s necessities are subject to 0% VAT. Luxury items, 13.5% and 23%.

shinners don’t like paying for anything


Very true. Over the last couple of days the sight of the soldiers of destiny, the blueshirts and the labour cunts in full retreat mode, while they try to blame each other for the water fiasco is a beautiful sight to behold. Paul Murphy take a bow. Its a man of the match award he should be receiving.

Criminal legal aid, unlike civil legal aid is not means tested as such and also at a judges discretion. There’s plans for a formal means test but hasn’t come about. An applicant will submit a statement if means to the court and then the judge will decide.

Given the political policing and DPPing of this case by sending forward for trial on indictment, its clear that he has all the organs of state against him so legal aid is right


We like paying for guns

Master stroke here by murphy. The state should drop the charges. Fucking rediculous carry on.

They tried to make an example of him and he has fucked it back in their faces.

With other people’s money

Its still money

like all shinners and commie’s Murphy wants something for nothing, handouts and subsidies is all they are interested in

Handouts as in the dole like what you were on before you hightailed it to blighty to sell gloves and boots out of the boot of a car around the sites in London?



The experts tasked with solving the water charges debacle

Former senator Joe O’Toole is to chair the commission which has been given a November deadline to deliver a report to a special Oireachtas committee.

It will be made up of eight independent members and an independent secretariat will be provided by the Institute of Public Administration.

The members of the Commission are:

· Dr Xavier Leflaive of the Environmental Directorate of the OECD;

· Mr Peter Peacock, Chair of the Customer Forum for Water Scotland and former Scottish Minister;

· Mr Bill Emery, Chair of the Northern Ireland Utility Regulator;

· Mr Brendan O’Mahony, Chair of the National Federation of Group Water Schemes;

· Ms Sarah Hendry, academic lawyer specialising in water and environmental law, University of Dundee, Scotland;

· Dr. Andrew Kelly, founder and executive Director of EnvEcon and Environmental Economist; and

· Ms Gritta Nottelman, strategy consultant for Waternet, the only water company in the Netherlands that is dedicated to the entire water cycle.

What a fucking disaster. The commission has barely been set up and the Chairman is going to resign. What a fucking shower of thick cunts FG are