Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

We’ll need a commission to investigate the commission.

Joe O’Toole has had his snout in the trough long enough himself. It’s his own fault he is being forced out now, he couldn’t even pretend he was being impartial for a few months.

I’d no problem with a relatively small water charge initially but now I’m not paying them another red cent. Total fiasco.

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O’Toole is gone, WTF does spancilled mean?

Same a Cynthiaed… ‘make a cunt of’

It’s the practice of tying an animal’s fore leg to it’s hind leg to stop it wandering too far.

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We’ve smashed them again… Up yours @Julio_Geordio.

Good old FF :+1:

Former Irish Water Chief Executive John Tierney has replaced Joe O’Toole as Chairman of the “Independent” Water Commission.


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Mother of Christ. These lads leave your man in the Console charity in the hapenny place

Tierney just pipped Paul Kelly for job, I’m told.


WTF :joy:

Please let this be a bad joke.

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I think it’s a joke.

But you never know.


Fucks sake

The micks up to their tricks again. You woukdn’t get fuckacting like that in England.

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I don’t know what you’re getting at here, but when have you ever known Sid to come up with a bad joke? Or a good one for that matter? They’re generally middle-of-the-road mediocre type jokes.

I get all my news and current affairs from TFK these days. Misleading info like that is not appreciated.



I see that 17 year old lad has been found guilty of falsely imprisoning Joan Burton. What a shambles. The kid had no previous, had not attracted the attention of the Gards before and did well in his leaving cert.

Bravo Joan for ruining a young lad’s life.


Could Mick Galwey ride in on his white steed and provide a character reference?

+1 a fucking nonsense

What was the decision making process on pressing charges here?