Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs


That is creepy. Trying to enjoy my cuppa tea and mince pie here

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Destroyed. You mugs who paid won’t be getting a refund… If you had stood tall with your fellow citizens instead of slagging them off and looking down your nose at them we could have sorted this long ago. That’s the problem with you sheep on the right, true let government walk all over them and spread thier arsenal cheeks for more after they’ve already been ridden raw. A great victory for the left. Gay marriage granted and Irish water destroyed in one year. A truly momentous year which will be capped off by Gerry represting Ireland in front of the whole world at Vol. Castro’s funeral.


What about solidarity with country folk who have been paying for water for years? Not much standing tall coming from jobs town over the years



The squeezed middle will pay again . The scum won.

@TheUlteriorMotive will be seething.

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Water shouldn’t be free so I’m happy to have paid.
Iv plenty of money though so out of principle I’ll keep paying until they stop taking it off me, hopefully that’s never. I couldn’t live with being a fucking scrounger.


At this stage any fella working hard and paying fair fair is a mook .

you paid twice then mate

you mug

@HBV pays for everything mate,even sex.


Everyone pays for sex. There is always a price !!!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Only a mugs pays for sex

There is always a price even when there isn’t a cost.

You must be married to a right cunt


She is not the worst . Her sister is needy though.

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how often do you ride her sister?

At the end of every month when he gets paid by the sounds of it.

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