Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Slight correction !!! When she gets paid .

Because of us they can now claim relief… it’s being put forward in the new report. Champions!

Claim relief for local water schemes? Really? Interesting. Who are you getting the relief from?

My old man will be delighted that the lads in Jobstown were looking out for his best interests

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Tax man I think. Water is to be funded through general taxation as it has been since the 90s.

What most mugs dont get here is that the proposed water tax was being introduced to pay for the administration of Irish Water only. It was effectively to pay for large salaries of cunts doing fuck all and the majority of funds for water itself was still coming from the taxes we pay… so you were being taxed twice to pay cunts to charge you for water


Jobstown has fuck all to do with it Dan,the ordinary tax payer just had enough and have refused to pay for something they’re already paying for

Funded through general taxation since 96 but still plenty rural dwellings in group water schemes funded by their members since then.

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I know that full well. My point is loads of country folk have been paying their taxes and for their water for years without losing their shit about it. And I bet will need to continue to do so now



funny how the right wing zealots hate the public sector getting paid too much and hate waste in the public sector yet love the ultimate quango Oirish water

“free water” ?

we pay for it already

You don’t.


i do, not all my cars are electric mate, i have oe ICE car, i pay vehicle tax on that where the money goes towards water

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I don’t doubt any of that. My point is that the amount that your tax euros have been contributing towards water services / infrastructure is not nearly enough.

Paying towards water services costs through taxation should be scrapped. It’s a fucked-up idea. Instead, households should receive a bill that outlines our usage and the associated costs. That way, we have some control over what we pay.

Oirish simpletons, they want proper infrastructure but don’t want to pay for it like any other properly developed country, you have thick apes on this thread saying stuff like “Why should i pay for something that falls out of the sky for free” and posts up pictures like this on facebook


the money paid to the GPA would cover that and then some, scrap the gpa grant and that stadium down in cork and we would have a world class water system


They’ll be riddled with cancer by the time they’re 60 from drinking putrid water. But at least they didn’t have to pay for it. Talk about chopping off your nose to spite your face. You couldn’t make it up.

Cool idea bro. I must admit I had no idea that the GPA grant and the Stadio Franco was running into the multiple billions.

well now you know


Ive always said I’d be happy to pay towards water, pal. Not through how they were proposing it tho - It was leading to privatization.