Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

We’ll done ChocolateMice. Who’d have thought that selling overpriced olives while people were out protesting would prove to be a key role in facing down the water charges? A true visionary.

Fully agree pal. Scrap water stealth taxes, amend Article 10 of the Constitution, and bill people fairly for their actual consumption.


Thanks, mate.

As I said - the water charges were only to fund the administration of Irish water - crazy shit.

Going to be funny now when the government scraps the idea of diverting water from the shannon to Dublin to meet their shortfall. Sorry BUD we can’t afford it. Be some protests then when they are boiling their own piss for a cuppa


Yeah but that’ll be for another govt to worry about, so who gives a fuck?


Not the citizens anyway.

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Ireland in a microcosm.

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Never went on a protest until the Irish Water ones. No issue paying for water but Irish Water was another fucking heist. Conservation and infrastructure were way down the list of priorities of that quango. If they’re short money for infrastructure investment then start charging multi-nationals the 12.5% they said they would. I pay enough taxes, if they want to waste it, fine, but don’t come back for more. I read somewhere that the installation of meters actually caused more leaks than Irish Water could fix so wastage has increased. You wouldn’t trust them to run a bath. First time since the recession hit the people stood up to the cunts and they weren’t long backing down.

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Exactly. A fucking joke of a set up

Did it not drag on for months and months? Didn’t they get practically all the meters in?

Not at all. They backed down to the pensioners. Irish politicians are as spineless a bunch of self serving cowards you are ever likely to encounter. They will back down to anyone they perceive as a vague threat, who is big enough not to be squashed.
If they think they can squash them from a safe distance, however, they will do so without a flicker.


the likes of the chap who restarted this discussion is a very very good case in point.
he is a net gain individual. very little contribution all his life towards the the tax pot that pays for services. free education also, wasted his young adult life gowling around then avails of free adult education from some scheme set up to make these people better themselves and in turn to try and improve the greater society.
paying for water must seem like an utter absurd concept to a fellow with a background like that.

Irish people don’t want to pay for nothing. Just fucking hand out after hand out and a pat on the head from the worlds superpowers telling them their great.

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How much of Europe’s bank debt do you think we are paying for pal?

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Matty , We are paying for our own. Don’t matter a fook what percentage of European figure that equates to. Some fucking friends eh.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

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FG made a complete and utter balls up of the introduction of water charges. If they had done it properly from the start then there wouldn’t have been an eyelid batted. One of the biggest mistakes was putting that absolute dumb cunt Phil Hogan in charge of introducing it and then having a DOB company install the water meters. Fucking idiots but then I suppose when you have another village idiot like Kenny leading them what do you expect.

Also they need to start charging corporations the 12.5% tax rate and close off the loop holes. The fact that Cerberus paid 0.002% tax on their profits is a fucking disgrace. Heads should be rolling.


Posted on another thread yesterday.

Turns out we’re a very generous bunch.

Ireland is a great little country to do business in