Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

I suppose if water billing had gone ahead, Irish water would have had a delivery of magic pixie dust that they would have sprinkled all over country and magically fixed decades upon decades of chronic under funding of the water system and all the pipes would have been magically updated and we wouldn’t have these problems.

Would ya ever fuck off with this ridiculous blueshirt propaganda shit.

Mate - Irish water was set up to pay for the admin of the company only - piping and all things water related were going to continue to come from the same place it had always been come from, taxation… Irish water was a pay day for corporatism and eventually would have went private and held our old and vulnerable citizens over a barrel.

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It would if we didn’t have fucking village idiots and cowards running the country.

You’re an awful bore.

You have failed time and time again on this argument but come back for more.

Incorrect. No water charges kiddo, suck it up.

The magic money tree that FG used to squander €1 billion on water meters and quangos?

I’m sure the two sitting FG TDs in Meath East will be delighted with this turn of events.

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There’s no point trying to explain basic economics to simpletons. In every other civilized country in the world, people pay for clean drinking water. These morons think because it rains a lot in Ireland, and they are surrounded by water, ergo clean trated water delivered to their home has no cost involved.

Yes it would make sense for motor tax to pay for improvements to cycle lanes and not water infrastructure.
I have no issue paying for water to encourage more responsible use (and we dont pay for it twice)but wouldnt trust this government or this abomination of a company one iota with this. Look at the disaster that is waste management where its in private companies hands and profit trumps recycling

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Have I to repeat myself??

Irish water was set up to pay for the admin of the company only - piping and all things water related were going to continue to come from the same place it had always come from, taxation… Irish water was a pay day for corporatism and eventually would have went private and held our old and vulnerable citizens over a barrel.

Water is already paid for in this country.

Does it need investment, yes - And some kind of stand alone charge is a fair, better way to go than filling the pockets of corporate interests and eventually going private.


What "corporate interests " .

And half of the treated water pouring into the ground or watering @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy 's swamp plants on a hot day. Paddy pays for nothing, a throwback to our colonial past and two fingers to the establishment.


I’ll kick your head right in if you keep going.


Hey pal you try keeping two thai wives a scatter of kids get one worldwide cruise in a year and keep up the yacht club membership and see how much you have left for watercharges…tax the rich man

you forgot the lawn tennis and crouquet club brah

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A utility has to be paid by usage, you gimp. You have wanker wasting water wholesale and they need to be charged for it.

And in many areas in rural ireland

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And there is curx of the matter, the anti water charges brigade wouldn’t have had a leg to stand on if they had set things up right. But the whole set up and water metering was cack handed to say the least and that is what got most peoples back up.

They could have easily put an end to water charge protests if they were to say that it would be kept in public ownership and had a referendum to put it in the constitution. Then people would have been a more accepting but FG being the fucking gobshites that they dug their heals in and said no, its our way and only our way. Biggest shower of gobshites ever.


How does that work? You currently pay taxes for water and then you want to pay for what you use on top of the taxes you pay also?

You are absolutely correct when saying infrastructure was way down the list of priorities.
Bonuses, salaries, set-up costs and awarding of contracts were all pre-arranged prior to revenue being known. Incredible incompetence even by our standards. And to think people wanted to continue to fund this heist.

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The left and in particular the cnuts ( the worst of them ) in the Social Democrats love to talk about the Nordic Model . They don’t really get the paying bit though.