Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Water meters and charges were the correct policy.

You won’t hear me defending them buckling on this one.

Why is water the only utility you pay for from Tax, what not electricity? Do you protest about the mother in law paying for your electricity?


I’m assuming you will be refusing your refund as you are so zealous about paying for water?

They made a balls of setting up IW, most of which has been resolved. It has to be paid for as a utility like every other country in Europe.

I’m glad you’ve learned the word corporatism and have ceased confusing it with capitalism.

Irish Water’s mission is to provide “safe, clean and affordable water and waste water services”. They should be given the resources to do that, instead of dicking around under funding them from the general budget. The easiest way to fund them is through a water charge that everyone pays, based on usage. Obviously old age pensioners and low income should be exempted or subsidized.

Ireland pays more tax, as a % of our national GNI*, than the average OECD level.

We also have one of the most progressive tax systems in the world.

But we should be paying water charges.

Will you be refusing your refund?

Are you asking me about various government’s policies over the years? How the fuck would I know -?-- Do you not think a once off yearly payment is a hell of a lot better than fuck all? - I certainly don’t agree with holding people to fear and ransom with meters - wastage is a problem but I would ask our well paid political leaders to come at it another way rather than the way they’ve gone about it.

I never paid a water charge, I have a well I paid 5k for.


Corporatism is capitalism - mate.

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Well , well .

Go throw yourself in to it you cunt.


And there it is. The begrudger is against this for self interest and self interest alone


What a vile cunt.


I’m a man of the people, for the people

The people detest you

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Irish water’s administration disaster was gross incompetence and cronyism . It had nothing to do with corporatism and much less capitalism .

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The people would murder you dead if you dared to walked among them.

Corruption leading to big pay days is capitalism at work, mate.

Misleading stat alert, zzzzz