Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

What is misleading?

Useless layabout cunts like @Matty_Hislop and @ChocolateMice expect the downtrodden middle class to pay for their bills. What a country

your stat

Corporatism, in the context that I think you are using it (crony capitalism), is anathema to free market capitalism, mate.

I hope you are posting from the bottom of your well, you prick.

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Your posts. You consistently include misleading stats that back up your point of view.

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You’re a pathetic individual. You pay €5k for a water well on your bog farm and you think you are the Duke of Westminster. Sneering at the unfortunate people in Louth and Meath as they queue up to get drinking water.

I hope you get cholera you wankstain.


We just want fairness across the board and to protect our more vulnerable citizens, mate… Our politicians and civil servants are very well paid i’m sure you’ll agree - they should earn their wedge by coming up with a way that is fairer to everyone in society… It didn’t help that they started rolling this out while we were one of the worst economic disasters the state had witnessed and one that many low-income earners and pensioners have not recovered from… The cost of living in this country is a joke as it is.

I hope you choke on your coddle, before you head down to the bookies and waste my social welfare



It’s pretty straightforward.

Please provide examples.

I use evidence and facts.

You go on feeling.

You hate everything and everyone. You’re a glass half full crank. You can’t string a coherent argument together and subsititute invective for facts.

Here is the back up for the statistics, by the way.


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the booking?

You want me to spend your dole money in the bookies? Is this what you are trying to say you incoherent fuckwit?

Irish pensioners are some of the best off in the world.

just had a quick look there, the cost of a well isnt €5k. Now sit down before you read this guys

@Ambrose_McNulty availed of a grant from the Rural Water Programme to install his well

Mind Boggling

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And why would we want to change that?

my sources are correct

You’re not one bit worrried about the thousands of culchies in group water schemes around the country

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