Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Corruption transcends all political and economic ideologies young man .

I’m just pointing out you taking the “poor pensioners” line. It’s a joke using it in Ireland. They were the most protected segment of society in the downturn. And the next generation of pensioners are the luckiest generation of them all.

You (Ireland) have a ridiculous sized government and civil service for the size of the country, and they are corrupt from top to bottom. The answer from the lefty loons is higher taxes on working people, so government can get even bigger and more incompetent. The fundamental problem is there’s no accountability, cunts just get away with incompetence as if it’s their birthright.


Ambrose’s source is his well .

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He’s fucking fuming because he won’t get a refund.

On to citizens advice like a bullet selfie :nerd_face:

So can the water charge supporters tell me how if we were paying water bills, this pipe would not have burst? Did the people managing the water infratructure know this pipe was going to burst and didnt bother fix it because water charges were scrapped?

Leo will sort out the lads who decide to roll over and stay in bed in a country with full employment.

As I said the cost of living in this country currently negates a lot of the advantages they receive.

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Incorrect, I’m a glass half empty type of guy. I don’t fall for the spoof.

You are not providing facts, you are providing data/stats. Do we get value for money for the taxes we pay? While we may not pay the same levels of taxation as Nordic countries do you think we would get equivalent levels of service if we matched their levels of tax? HSE and Irish Water suggest we would not. Taxes are used to benefit the providers of state services in this country, not the end user. Your stats about progressive tax system and tax as a percentage of GDP are all well and good but don’t address the key point, what do we actually get for our taxes.


Problem with increase in tax is public service wages grab the bulk of it with little discernible improvement in service #benchmarking


All these useless cunts preach self-sufficiency yet the tax you and I pay is subsidising their poor lifestyle choices.

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What the hell are you arguing with me for then?

I responded to someone saying we needed to pay more taxes, where did I say we got value for money?

This is going to run and run and run and run

Yep everytime a pipe bursts or something disrupts the water supply you will have the water charge supporters jumping up and down saying “see this happens because we dont pay for water” as if the water charges would have prevented it. :grinning:

You’re so useless that you need to get other people to waste your social welfare money in the bookies for you?

Now that’s uselessness.

You could at least take the trouble to get down there and watch the 4:40 at Uttoxeter yourself if you’re so intent on wasting that money.

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The dub scum and the Moyross wastrel out in force here :smile:

Are you even related to a tax payer?