Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Well i just had to walk 3 miles to get a bucket of dirty water from a tank and had to carry it back on my back.

You were watching Creedon’s show on the BMS last night .

Is the first word a pun ?


You take and will continue to take multiples more than €2k for your water services.

i saw bits of it mate


It’s Correct.

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I thought Twas decent bar the Brits territorial claim of sorts .

whats this?

only saw them diving looking at a boat

drifted off then as still on oz time

Advocating large scale monetary theft, now, I see.

You self-proclaimed “law and order” types really have a great way of making yourselves look stupid.

You’re pro water charges even though Irish Water is a quango. I’m anti water charges, not because I don’t want to pay for water but because the tax was voluntary and was going to be wasted. I went to the protests. I have worked all my adult life. Anti water charges people weren’t all ‘won’t pay brigade’.

Seems silly. Did you not spill loads of it?

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Please help taz to afford clean water text “uisce” to donate 4 euros*

*Fuck all of it will make it to taz as I want a new watch and a few bottles of Middleton.


I’m pro water charges.

I’m not a fan of quangos or the waste and inefficiency prevelant in the public sector, but the water charges protests started long before issues emerged with Irish Water.

Once again, in your rage you fail to see the actual facts. I never posted that I support Irish Water.

You can take the man out of the Pale but you can’t take the pail out of the man.

Lots of finger pointing and point scoring going on from the rural right wingers, but not an ounce of engagement or willingness to discuss. Typical of the civil servant mentality of our middle class in this country really. Ni harm but the cunts have fleeced the country for grants for their own private wells and then they want to pontificate to the rest of us. Odious cunts.

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You’re about to marry into an aristocratic family, they’ll knock the socialism out of you fairly lively.


I’ll learn em proper… While pool side at their villa in Spain.


While sipping the finest cava no doubt :wink:

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This reminds me of my bro when he got locked on cocktails after visiting a top class spa in Beijing lecturing us about the disgusting opulence of part of our lifestyle. *

*I also brought @Rocko to this place and listened to the fear when he unexpectedly had a man scrub his ballsack for him.

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