Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Thanks @artfoley. All donations gratefully accepted. :grinning:


The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner

Many if whom have been paying for water for years through group watwr schemes. You never answered earlier. How do you propose to make it a fair system for those people


Paying for water through general taxation will never be a fair system. It’s why the urban dwellers like to resort to lowest common denominator tactics when faced with the prospect of having a polluter pays principle approach to paying for water in/water out.

Seeing as there has been radio silence from @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and @ChocolateMice on my question of how much of their tax goes towards water services, I’ve gone and done the calculation for them.

I reckon TSG brings in about €50k per annum. I’m going to assume for the purposes of this calculation that his wife does not work. Of the approx €15k per annum he pays in PAYE tax, €10 per annum goes towards water services. So, his family pulls in about 250,000 liters of water per year from the public water supply (and expects it to be pristine and drinkable) and sends approximately the same back out into the sewer (and expects it to magically drain away from the house and end up in a nice clean state before hitting Dublin Bay). All for the princely sum of €10. Per year. :joy:

On the flip side, people like @Ambrose_McNulty also pay the €10+ per annum through general taxation. They also pay a one-off cost for drilling a well (and get a grant towards it), as well as recurring costs of running a water filtration system, a water softener, a submersible pump, all the associated electrical costs, and yearly sampling and analysis of the water. There are no public servants scurrying around behind the scenes to make sure that maintenance is kept up on the well system. And yet, there is an expectation that water for the family and the farm (which goes to animals that end up in the food chain) remains pristine.

A grossly unfair system, but I suppose it suits some people.


Relocate them from their mud huts to an urban landscape…


Superb post mate.
Nogra to the fore as always.


As expected. Not a fucking clue do you have on the topic bar what paul murphy tells you


Growing up, would you have had much land for dairy and beef cattle, not to mention tillage for grains, etc? If not, your post is first-class nonsense.


@ChocolateMice has moved from state dependency to scrounging off an old woman. It’s progress :smile:


Guys, I’m dealing with a severe horse fly bite reaction here and I haven’t had my morning coffee yet. Can we hold off for a hour or two?


Says the man with his hand out for government grants… What other grants have you availed of?

Can you hold off for a few minutes?
Testimony from princess counts.

Have we ever seen such clean a headshot (x2) delivered this early in the day?


Sorry brah, which point that I made are you arguing against ?

None you simpleton. He’s arguing with Choco Mouse.

You didn’t make a point.

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He actually never makes a point, like all his aliases.



@ironmoth - can you sum up your post in a few bullet points as there’s no way I’m reading that - i’ll get back to you at some point today. Cheers.