Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

It takes about 20 seconds to read it, give the phone to princess and she’ll read it out to you.


Why such high levels of seeth, mate? They’re hopping your balls.

No seeth pal, the socialists and pretend socialist have been destroyed here.

Hi mate - and @ironmoth - 9skip to end for bullet points) I’ve already said that i’m open to paying towards Irish water - I said a stand alone charge would be a great way to start - spread it out over the year in installments.

All I’ve been met with is a torrent of abuse then by rural fuck faces who consciously made the decision to live off grid and demanded government grants to do so.

Will it stop wastage? Not fully, no… will it generate funds to fix leaks and the delivery of clean water? Yes.

You’ll all agree that the way it was set up and handled was farcical - €50m of €130m went to consultants :rofl: - then the bonuses, and cronyism - all on the back of austerity - Do you seriously think people could put their faith in a system rolled out like that, especially at the time it was rolled out? It was a blatant slap in the face to the Irish people from a government that promised change after the last one royally fucked them in the hole.

I’ve also already said that Irish water was set up to pay for the Admin of the service only and fixing leaks and treating water was still going to come from taxation - so you effectively had a company set up to pay corporate interests only while the money you were paying all along would still be used for the same thing it had always been used for - fuck fucking that. Use the stand alone charge to supplement taxation, lump it onto the civil service and off you go. It was also clearly being geared up to privatize, and i’d fight against that with my life… you lads maybe happy to bury your head and do what you’re told but I wouldn’t have my children born into a world where water is denied to them for profit.

You have other cunts like @gilgamboa then that want me to come up with a system for the whole of the Island like I’m some cunt with an engineering/social planning/economics degree - typical of that sort, he forgets that we have TDs on outrageous salaries who have civil servants with these degrees, also on outrageous salaries, who can solve these problems - so he should think about lobbying them instead of lashing out at his fellow citizens… but the RRW don’t believe in that, it’s get the head down and do what your told.

(1)I believe in paying towards water
(2) I don’t believe in filling the coffers of corporate interests


How’s the horse fly bite?

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Fairly swollen, pal… It’s like I’m a Munster Rugby football fan with one of those ridiculous giant foam hands.

An amount of headshots. Happy to give it number ten brah

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A guy decides to build a house off grid knowing full well what it involves and then starts screaming about the unfairness of it after demanding a government grant to cover his costs :rofl: and all the mucksavages on here flocking around him going ‘ooot ooot ooot ooot ooot’

I believe the below video sums you muckers up well



He made clean shit of you

No, I have flushing water, mate.

And the cunt living off the land that got handed to his family for buttons by the Land Commission and he having a laugh at the poor divils the ancestors of the dispossessed scrounging off social welfare. You couldn’t make it up.


They want it every fuck way but they want everyone else to have it twice as bad.

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It’s not his fault @Ambrose_McNulty lives in abject squalor. We gave the tramp a €2k grant to help clean up his act and he’s still moaning.

Fixed charge will not stop any wastage. You poured so much of your anger and rage into this campaign over the past few years that you’re unable to think rationally about how water should be financed. Much of the protest was about two finger to the government and they made a bollox of setting it up, I fully agree. Once those issues have been resolved, such as selling off IW, any rational person should accept that metering and usage are the only way to pay for water. There’s still an element of Student Union politics that needs to be kicked out of you, but as you grow up it will fade. Let go of your rage mate and think of your future children’s water supply.

Methadone Matty’s awake. Handbags of Dublin beware.

We fought an economic war to protect these cunts that brought the urban poor to new levels of misery. How quickly they forget.
We joined the EU and they made out like bandits ever since, but our native industries were wiped out as a consequence creating a new wave of urban poor.


'Twas fucking wicked

Eh… you went selling fancy olives to Limerick hipsters the days of the protests. It’s hardly fighting with your life.

@ChocolateMice working??? :rofl: Good one.

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The gas thing is he thinks he could happily survive in his housing estate without any reliance on the farmers that put food on his table. I’d love to see what that shopping list from Tesco would look like if he had to raise his own livestock. Beef cup-o-soup, anyone?!