Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Again, you’re unwilling to meet half way and have glossed over most of what I said.

Not actually working obviously but on the clock while trying to bang one of the fancy sandwich ladies. It’s all worked out spectacularly well really.

He took great glee in a burst water pipe depriving thousands of water yesterday. Today he’s claiming he cares about water conservation.

He’s a gobshite.


He laughs at people living on social welfare and his ilk the beneficiaries of the greatest welfare project in the history of this island


I love the way their argument has changed from a point of principle " why should we pay for the wahttttter bud doesnt it come from the sky" to an anti corporate issue now that its just about the setup of IW is thrir problem

The Mrs this morning.

Read back over the thread and the message has been the same from me from the start.

It is a pity what is happening in Drogheda and East Meath regard water . the real pity is that this didn’t happen in Jobstown .



Whatever Paul Murphy told you to think.

Until such time as your “message” adresses the equality around the many (including thousands of non farmers) paying in group schemes then you cannot be taken seriously on the matter. You didnt even know people paid for water already until you had to be telt

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The only positive thing about this is that it’s happening in Regina Doherty’s constituency.

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And she has been the quietest of all the politicians on this. Only seen one post on facebook from here, the Councillors are miles ahead of her on this.

Sensational internetting by @ChocolateMice, @Fagan_ODowd and @Matty_Hislop.

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This should go down well with the crustys :grin:

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It’s a red herring.



Has John provided an example of this, or, is he simply making it up?

Fire him a tweet there, he’s taking on all comers

Those FG tweeters are taking a pasting. Pool Luke is probably crying into his coco pops. :slight_smile:

Brendan McGahons nephew. Sweet Jaysus. Do any of these “dynasties” ever just die out?

Electricity should be free too by the same logic