Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

No it shouldn’t. Electricity was never free. Water always was. We never gave a thought to charging for water until the troika told us to. All of a sudden it became a self evident imperative that we should charge for water. It’s an austerity measure imposed on us 7 years ago by faceless technocrats charged with imposing a punishing regime on us to repay unsustainable debt. And you have idiots here and elsewhere cheering it on.


Water is free depending on where you live you mean

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Depending on where you choose to live you mean. If you got a free site from the Da on land his father got for a bag of beans off the land commission, out in the middle of nowhere away from public services, you can’t really complain too much if you have to sink a well.


Water was never free Fagan.

There were water charges in Ireland but populist politicians knew better didn’t they . They got us where we are now.

The Irish political class are spineless careerist scum , all of them .

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Its not just people who sink wells. The facts remain. Sone people have free water some dont. I didnt have you down as someone who woukd advocate everyone move to urban living for free water and destroy rural life

I love the way the consultants took 70m for what was clearly a badly thought out/unworkable solution.

It’s not an urban rural divide. I am for sustainable living and I am against ribbon development.

And this is the fucking crux of it ---- The most ridiculous decision by any modern government to secure the bondolders/bank debt and burn their own people is what’s behind the whole lot …For generations we have seen the elite steal and lie and act completely above the law, then when the shit hits the fan they let the average person take the rap for it and you have utter cunts like @gilgamboa championing them. … USC and Household tax were already introduced to repay this joke of a debt but the cunts want more and more and all the while they grant themselves a pay rise only a couple of months ago.

How do lads here justify the bonuses that were paid and were also promised to be paid in the future to Irish water? - Who picks up that bill?

Up to €83m in ‘consultancy’ fees and legal advice -

Then the Denis O’Brien owned company magically winning the contract to install meters.

How lads can’t see what’s going on here is mental.

Let our under-worked civil service look after whatever measures are introduced at no extra cost - instead of lining the pockets of corrupt Ireland, again.


Irish Water is a microcosm of an incompetent civil service where they look to feather their own beds before making a half arsed attempt at providing a service . There were far more protests to Irish Water than the one at Jobstown. Idiots had armed Gardai at one gathering. The same month a convicted murderer escaped because there were no armed Gardai available to escort him to hospital. They sent over 15 Gardai to arrest Paul Murphy when he would have voluntarily handed himself in. It’s a banana republic.

Those that paid for their own wells are paying twice for water yet turn their ire at those who only pay once. Your ire should be directed towards those that make you pay twice. Most are willing to pay extra if infrastructure needs updating but that’s not where the money was going.

Who did I champion? I think IW was a shambles but i think water charges are a necessity. That might be a bit too nuanced for you pal. Not all black and white

You’re willing to fund a shambles?

And I already stated multiple times that i’m in favour of some sort of payment but not in it’s current guise - but that appears to be equally too nuanced for you.

Consultants . I love that word .

Fagan having a senior moment.

Where did I say the money collected should go to IW?

The anti brigade are anti everthing including FACTS

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What’s the story with the people who are/were working in the Irish water call centres (outsourced I think) and billing ?

Were they let go? Are the Call Centre company still being paid ?
