Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Did you pay your water charges?

None of your fucking business you crusty cunt

A bit rich to call me a crusty. I work. Do you?

Yes pal. Very hard

Not working very hard if you have time to post on here today. :slight_smile:

@myboyblue was the only one to openly admit paying his water charges - fair play to him.

I tend to post to pass the time during tortrous conference calls

And did you fund a shambles with your hard earned cash?

I am also refusing to take my money back, I’ve asked them to donate it to lockes cycle


I paid my water charges, pal.

Will you claim them back?

As alresdy stated. None of your fucking business

Why wouldn’t I?


I paid it. And I don’t even live in the country.


You lickspittle, servile, squared headed cunt.

Subsiding the likes of you from afar

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I’m not the one looking for government grants to dig me a well, pal.

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Oh, but you are. You just can’t see it.

No, i’m pretty sure I never filled out a form seeking a grant from the government for a well for my Duplex.

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If you did pay then you used your hard earned cash to fund a shambles.
If you didn’t pay then you’re a hypocrite.
Neither put you in a good light.

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