Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

The government continues to fund the digging of wells, the building and operating of treatment plants, and getting water to you, and others like you living in duplexes, through a piping infrastructure. Your €10 per annum doesn’t come close to funding it. You pay a very small part of the cost. The rest is funded by the exchequer. And because you didn’t fill out a form, you think you’re fully squared off on the cost of getting water to and from your duplex?!


Irish water should tell the poeple of co louth or wherever this catastrophe took place to fuckoff over the border for themsleves where sinn fein will give them all the wather they want, sure water is a natural commodity


So the people digging wells are the problem here and are breaking the state… I hear you loud and clear.

I think you might be hearing things.

A simple solution from a simple mind.

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You’ve read my posts… I’m willing to pay… Not to a private company tho under the current guise.

You can bang on about your magical 10 Euro all you want, simple fact is You could pay 400 a month and not one penny would go towards water but strictly to the Admin of it only. As we say in Limerick, that’s fucking pure handicapped.

Make it a semi state, protected from corporate interests and introduce a yearly charge and off you go with the job of clean water and not making profit for oligarchs and corrupt politicians.


I always suspected that amber was a counter revolutionary quisling

thank fuck farming will be obsolete soon

These RRW lads apparently all believe in the rights of “private property”.

If they’re to be consistent they should hand any property and/or land they own back to the descendants of the landlords who they believe shouldn’t have had to give it up in the first place.

Its already owned by a state owned company what are you on about


Sorry, I meant a public body rather than a semi state commercial venture


A fuck off for yourself, a simple typo - I meant one as opposed to the other - and you know well what I meant I’ve been saying the same thing all along.

None of you are willing to engage with the fact that Irish water and the resulting billing of water was set up to pay for the Admin of Irish water only and not towards treating water itself - Not one cent of the billing would go back into providing the service being charged for.

Thick, muldoon, shit eating boggers.

None so blind as those that will not see.

You said earlier in same post you were unwilling to pay to a private conpany. It isnt a private company. It is to all intents and purposes owned by a public bodu like you want it to be

When you provide some evidence of understanding the structure of the company and the all of the issues you might get some engagement. As it stands the mouse is spinning around the wheel making incoherent partly correct arguments

The end goal is privatization ffs - That’s the road Irish water was going down as i’ve stated all along— Look, you’ve no interest in reading posts here, you have a gripe because you or your old fella pay into a water scheme and you’re getting angsty towards others for standing up for themselves when you and your father chose to live off grid and don’t have the gumption to fight your own cause… you’re typical of the rural Irish mentality - it’s all about short term grievances and settling little scores and no interest in rolling your sleeves up and working out a system that will benefit Ireland for generations to come.

You refuse to engage with the main point I laid out above and just look for little avenues to score a point and avoid the main points being raised.


There should be a reasonable flat charge for the provision of water services. This should entitle you to a substantial amount of water. Anything used above that amount should be charged extra.



Because the main bone of contention you have is thst you refuse to pay a water charge to a private company. You were never asked to. The fact that you dont appear to have been aware of this point regardless of your deflection above means i would be slow to get into a discussion with you about it.

The water protests were not about the corporate structure and ownership of IW. They were based on an idealogical opposition to paying for water. You are now trying to shimmy away from that core position in the manner of a seasoned politician.

I thonk everyone should be making a contribution for their water. You dont. Fair enough. Stand by your principals. Dont try and cod the rest of us now that your stance is driven by a dislike for the corporate structure of IW. Trying to piss on my back and tell me its raining

JESUS FUCKING CUNTING CHRIST - I said all along I would pay towards water but that I was against it on the grounds of cronyism, and eventual privatization - I’ve never, ever changed my stance once.

The best thing you can do now is go shit in your well.