Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Good old @The_Runt :grin:

Isn’t that what was proposed by Irish water?

No, they wanted to bill you on all usage and use the money from this to pay for the Administration of the company Irish Water only instead of re-investing it back into treating water and fixing leaks.

The RRW are giving out that very little is paid by the tax payer for the water services he/she receives and wants to bring in this new magic plan where tax payers will fork out sums of money to pay for the Admin of Irish water but continue to only pay the same amount towards water itself :rofl: - You couldn’t make it up — and all the while this company would be gearing up to go private … The Irish are some fucking handicaps in fairness.

either that or cut the dole by a tenner a week to fund the water service


You won’t be shocked to find out that I had that all wrong so, it was my understanding that everybody was metered but you only paid extra if you went over the quota for the amount of people in the house etc.
To be honest I’m very happy to pay a pittance for water if it helps to reduce the amount of waste, I felt like some prick filling that paddling pool with 200 gallons last week on the same day that Leo announced he was returning the water charges.

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That’s fine but under Irish Water none of your money would have went to fixing leaks or treating water - Just to bonuses and the Admin of Irish water.

Dont forget the gym and the laughing yoga. :slight_smile:

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Stage 32.

Its moved onto eventual privatization now. Its hard to hit a moving target. I rest my case. Have a nice day


Hit a moving target? You gave nothing - absolutely fucking nothing on this but a few snide remarks and refusal to address the main point because you’re a bluffing cunt.


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Your case went to bed a long time ago when u refuse to divulge whether u paid your water bill or not.

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They won’t engage at all with the main point — they’ve worked out magic formulas that came to the round figure of 10euro - that’s what we pay for water apparently … and guess what we will pay towards it under Irish water after being billed for usage??? the same magic figure. — They are screaming blue murder for us to pay for something that won’t enhance the treatment or provision of water one iota

Your main point was an unwillingness to pay a private company. You didnt even know IW wasnt a private company.

How can a fella engage with that level of ignorance. You know what might work though. Get yourself and a few pals to barricade my car in this evening and shake the car and roar at me until i change my mind.


More huff and puff - Irish water was serving private interests and well you know it - I’ve been clear as day from the start of this thread — you haven’t engaged one iota.


It seems to be “attack at all costs” rather than looking at what’s staring them in the face. I suppose I’d be like that too if I got it so wrong. Denial I think they call it.


Gil is floundering away there waiting for one of the Nogra to come in and save him with another magic formula.

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Read up on Siteserve and how they were awarded contracts to install water meters. Installation of these meters actually caused more leaks. Compare to the awarding of the Esat Digifone contract and see can you spot the similarities. Also have a look at the Moriarty Tribunal findings. There was a private element to the set-up of Irish Water.

You’re showing a distinct a lack of understanding when it comes to the current state of the water industry in Ireland. It is nonsense to think that 31 separate local authorities can deliver water services in an efficient and consistent manner.

There are massive benefits to having a single utility model to handle water services for the entire country, such as prioritization of works at a national level. I don’t disagree with the point you made about how the government handled things, but two wrongs don’t make a right.

The government should have learned, and may still learn, from Scottish Water, which is a statutory corporation that provides water and sewerage services across Scotland and is accountable to the public through the government.