Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

have you got evidence for that?

Again, I’m not opposed to a single entity looking after it, pal… I’ve said it numerous time - I can only assume you lads are not even reading my posts as I ve said countless times that 1) we should pay some thing and 2) it should be taken out of the hands of vested interests/ corporatism and move more to a public body.

Anyway, it’s done… and this is done to death - lads with agendas have no interest in discussing a fair system for the better of everyone for the foreseeable future and not for short term bullshit.

these rotten scroungers fighting for free wather are from the same stock as those animals who chained themselves to the front of bin lorries 15 years ago because they assumed the tax payer should fund the collection & disposal of their garbage. this nonsense spawned the likes of those leeches Joan Collins and Clare Daly who in turn have spawned the likes of that little bastard Paul Murphy. They are a scourge on our society but those who are at home 52 weeks of the year scrounging off the state as they fight tooth and nail for free wather should remember that despite all the chaining yourself to bin lorries back in the day you are paying for your shit to be collected and disposed of and you will eventually pay for your wather you filthy low life motherfuckers…


good for nothing cunts who never done a honest days work in their lives, they want everything for nothing and to pay for nothing

Which bit. Siteserve or the leaks?

What kind of a public body. You keep saying this. It is effectively managed by a public body


God forbid someone makes a few bob during the upgrading of the most important bit of infrastructure in the state.


I am in full agreement the set up of IW was a shambles. We discussed as much this morning. However a state owned company engaging a private company does not make them both private enterprises.

Is irish rail a private enterprise because it has a fuel contract with an oil company or a hospitality contract with someone. Of course not

If they are filthy it means they are not washing themselves and thus don’t use water. Are you saying they should pay for something they don’t use? Do you want these ‘low life’ to subsidise your water?

Abuse and rhetoric. No answers to the pressing questions. Get mrs sullivan to put a cold facecloth on your forehead when you go home and maybe re engage when you are less rattled.

You’re as mad as one of the jobstown six right now

who is this dick?

Not unless Irish Water was eventually privatised which some believe was the end target. There’s a history between state contracts and O’Brien. He was tipped off about this trough well in advance by Hogan. I doubt he bought Siteserve just to make a few quid out of meters.I’d say he was looking farther down the line.

Sorry Rambo. Don’t get you.

Could you get a bit vaguer than that pal?

He took over when you were banned.


upgrading the wather infrastructure is being delayed because of the anti everything brigade. they dont want to pay for wather because its a natural commodity. they dont want the infrastructure upgraded because someone might make a profit out of the works.
you couldnt make it up. maybe irish wather could be transferred to the poeple and run under socialist principles. all the dole heads could get up every morning and go off and spend the days repairing pipes and fixing leaks in return for free wather


Nothing vague about privatising it, like I said in a previous post, compare with the Esat Digifone contract, the people involved and the enrichment of a chosen few. It’s not a stretch to imagine this was going the same way.

why should they pay for something that falls out of the sky?


Let Michael O Leary run the water .