Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Insert two euro to flush.

And another two for bog roll

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And another 2 for using the seat

And cap doffing subservients will gleefully pay up as they embrace the financial rape by their perceieved betters.

After the bank guarantee this has to be the biggest ever fuck up by a Government.
It makes the e-voting machines look like a shrewd investment.


i wont be looking for it back, it was a fair charge and i got good value. im grand.

if any of the hard up looney left scum who post here need the few bob let me know and ill see if i can arrange for you to draw it down for yourself.


But it’s taken for in general taxation…I’m not paying twice…etc

I won’t be claiming it back either.

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A letting agency took money from my deposit to cover this. Jesus I’ll pester the cunts to death to get it back


What hoops do you have to jump through to get this back?

None. If you haven’t moved or changed your details, you’ll get a cheque in the post.

A little Christmas bonus for the law-abiding members of the forum (cc @Julio_Geordio @HBV @Horsebox ). It won’t be just the dole scroungers getting something extra from the state this Christmas

How is it a bonus? Are they getting extra money back or just what they paid?

Sure we got free water. Isn’t that a bonus?

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@Horsebox on the wrong side of history again but too petulant to admit it

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Eamon Ryan unveiled a great idea today for mugs like Horsebox. Let IW keep the money you stupidly gave them so they can invest it in infrastructure.

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Badly needed infrastructure I’m sure you’ll agree.

The money collected by IW was to pay for admin of the company and nothing to do with infrastructure, that money comes from general taxation.

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I have been so impressed by @ChocolateMice’s unwavering support for the Galway hurlers that I have decided to make a strategic withdrawal from my previous stance on water charges.


Throw up an oul link supoorting that fact there pal. From a reliable source please

I’ll be sending my cheque to Torremolinas so with the intention of standing a drink for all the skangars attending @ChocolateMice wedding.