Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

@anon61956325 you must have missed my posts recently, where I asked you to explain what “social justice” was, would you mind elaborating on it for me please?

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I don’t expect my place of work to provide me with a gym. It’s not a holiday camp or hotel and spa.

Where have you done this? If you come back with “general taxation” I will hunt you down and slit your throat.

How much do they need?

How much water do you need?

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So you haven’t. As I expected.

You’re a really stupid bastard — Instead of installing water meters in everyone’s house to detect leaks and charge people just to fund the collection of money to pay for the collection of money - Engineers have been on record to say that installing area meters to follow the leaks is much, much cheaper and a much smoother process … It’s called targeted detection and works far better. Installing meters to create a whole new industry that would eventually go private is certainly not the answer…

I need a glass of water.

There’s a world of literature online that will break it down for you, bro.

I have. I’ve answered all you’re questions now answer mine. How much do they need to upgrade the water infrastructure?

Go harass a working man going about his business, you pikey cunt.

You tagged me, you horrible cunt bag.

Give me a proposal first. Then I’ll answer your question down to the last cent.

I’ve already give proposals on a different thread, now tell me how much is needed and I will repeat my proposal for you.

All the semi state and regulator bodies (energy, Comreg) have bonuses for all levels of staff. Why should IW be any different?

I’ve already answered that on a different thread too. Looks like we have a stalemate.

350m was the initial figure I believe (to upgrade current structure#) …if we werent paying to install meters and giving bonuses to bosses we’d have most of it covered.

Do the others generate revenue?

They are utilities just like IW so yes, they charge people for their services. The regulators are paid by the utility companies, who pass that cost on to the customer.

The lads want a company set up that has no running costs. @anon61956325 even wants a utility company with no administrative staff to “answer emails which is a complete waste of time” as he put it. Cloud fucking cuckoo land.

Maybe the church should have managed it.

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