Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

You should get a job in a holiday camp or a hotel with a spa. You’d be laughing then.


Set up a company just to cover the cost of charging people :rofl:

He could put a word in with them to get a vending machine in. Win win.

Irish Water don’t generate revenue from individual households so they are different to other utilities.


That’s some fucking answer.

Set up a utility company with no running costs. :joy:

Any business that decides on the level of staff bonuses before knowing if they are going to receive revenue is ludicrous.

Why set up the company at all if its only purpose is to cover the costs of charging people and not fix the fucking water? I thought you wanted the water issue sorted?

Lozers, the costs of collecting revenue is more than the revenues received. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Thanks a lot. I was playing the long game…

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I’ve often wondered this about the plethora of electricity companies that offer innovative ways for you to pay for electricity they don’t generate.

All we are asking for is a fair system and we get labelled all sorts… the real problem is that a lot of Irish people just want to put the head down and do as they are told.

Yes… Irish Water will eventually want to go private - that’s the big fear. Make it a semi state

They’re too entrenched to accept that they got it so horribly wrong. Not too entrenched to refuse their rebate cheques though.

There is plenty to moan about with the establishment of Irish Water and how it was done.

But metering is not one of them. Metering is a sensible and fair way to provide virtually any service.

The fact that it is water meters installation that were mainly attacked suggests the true motives of the protestors. I heard very little about the balls up of not reforming the county councils and labour overhang caused by IW being set up, it was all “Denis O’Brien!!!” and “Motor Tax!!!”,


Barristers Darren Lehane and Conleth Bradley say EU laws do not require all countries to have the same rules, as there is no “complete harmonisation” among member states regarding water. It suggests states, according to the directive, can decide not to charge households as there is no requirement for cost recovery to rely on “individual consumption”.

cc @Horsebox

The major issue is with leakage, most leakage occurs before it gets to the house so metering households should not have been at the top of the priority list. The money wasted on redundant meters could have fixed a lot of external leaks.

But nearly all European countries do charge rates. I wonder why.

If they are going to continue with these meters, which it seems they are … an excess charge is not something that’s too unreasonable but can we really trust the shite hawks to implement it fairly. I certainly dont believe that people can just waster water willy-nilly.