Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

That’s what engineers - people that know about these things - say. Area meters work much better on this front.

Do they also pay for it through general taxation?

Sorry but that’s nonsense. Conservation is a huge issue.

The fact that this was the major hobby horse of the protests tells you exactly the motives, they didn’t want to pay anything extra.

On Irish Water itself the focus was on bonuses of management, an office gym and consultants fees i.e. low hanging fruit costs to focus the nation’s ire on. Why not the rampant duplication of roles and refusal to rationalise council employees who were doing sweet fa?

A bonus to a state monopoly is gas .

Why was this thread bumped ?? The lads in Dublin being told they cant wash for 2 weeks? I thought they were raping the Shannon of its waters?

Your initial question is a good one but nothing new with your next 2 points .

No it’s not. If 50% of water is lost before getting to households that’s the huge issue. Either way the water meter installation was not for the benefit of the Green Party.

Where did I say that’s not an issue?

You think the decision to prioritise installing redundant meters over fixing leaks was a good idea?

You can do more than one thing.

This isn’t Soviet Russia.

If the government had an ounce of cop on they would have put the water charges in with the property tax.

That’s the first time anything like that has been suggested.

it certainly was when something to moan about, especially the way it ended up going to bankrupt siteserv

cui bono?

It wasn’t a suggestion.

We hear they are short on money and that the infrastructure is losing 50% of input. What benefits to the water system have we seen from the considerable investment in water meter installation?

Looks like an eel. Very nice.

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We’ll be able to police the hose pipe ban.

So we all just need to buy a goldfish…


Keep that cunt out of it.

As long as the blue shirts are in he’ll be lurking in the background