Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

anti water charges then. asbestos pipes. What a shitbox of a country.
Of course, some bloke on the radio earlier: “The UK do this, and the UK do that, and Scotland do this bla bla bla”.

Why not look at countries like Spain, Italy, etc and see how they tackle it.

Why must we constantly look at what the Brits are doing ffs…

It might have something to do with the likes of climate, meteorology, rainfall etc.

No point looking at what semi-arid countries do.


We don’t need to look elsewhere, the money needed to up-grade the water infrastructure can easily be raised to fix it but the government can’t be arsed. They want health costs to be reduced and are happy to kill us off.

Well, you’d imagine they’d have worse problems with water than us, but somehow manage with bigger populations…


Don’t ever change, mate.

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I wonder will the morons go out and buy up all the bread again, just because…

Do you disagree?

That there’s billions of euros lying around somewhere that the government couldn’t be arsed spending? Yes Mike, I disagree

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You would be wrong.



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I can’t wait till we get our hands on that money. Motorways and metros for everyone :clap:

C’mere to me… you never answered me there yesterday. In Europe, do they pay for water through general taxation and through water charges?

Just water charges, the same way we’ll do it once we get up and running properly. Tell me this, do you know how much was spent on upgrading the water infrastructure out of “general taxation” before IW was set up?

Fuck all I’d say. But seeing as billing people was being set up just to cover the cost of billing people not much was going to be invested from installing meters and charging people either. If they installed area meters to detect where the leaks are - saved money by not installing individual meteres and didnt give huge bonuses to bosses before any work was even commenced they would have had a right few bob to go towards upgrading infrastructure…

You’re very hostile here towards me when i’ve stated many times i’m not against paying, I’d just like to see a fairer system put in place and one that isnt going to lead to the privatization of Irish water down the road.


Are you one of those mugs who believe they’ll up sticks? Lolzers. Look over there, welfar cheat!!!

These lads want billion dollar companies to pay no tax because of “de jobs” meanwhile want the likes of myself and yourself to pay 50% tax and fleece the remaining 50% out of us and give it to Dennis O Brien.

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I guess I just don’t believe this bit, kid. That’s what gets my gander up when I see you posting here.

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That’s your problem. A misinformed opinion.


That’s your problem right there

The 2 dolers singing from the same hymn sheet. Quelle surprise.