Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

That’s hard to believe in fairness

Thanks for this clarity.

Here is the fiasco that was the whole Rule 42 ‘debate’. 20 years ago, the GAA – or a really large portion of it, rather – started saying in effect they no longer owned their main stadium. The idea that a soccer club is entitled to use a GAA facility arose at that moment. Hence we also had the more significant fiasco around Liam Miller’s testimonial in 2018. A soccer club is no more entitled to use a GAA facility than I am entitled to go for a swim in a lake on a golf course. We are talking about private property, not a public park.

The truth is that there is a far higher class of a volunteer in a GAA club, generally speaking, than in a soccer club. Soccer, among other aspects, is a failure of taste.


The soccer club in question was renting it out at cost. A choosy whore is the GAA

Yes to Ed Sheerin and getting drunk at music events, no to local people looking to pay to stay fit and active. A shameful organisation really

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With that type of language, you merely prove my point.

A gross failure in taste.

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Was public money used in building the facilities? Fundraising in the community? Some community spirit shown there to local people

Elitism at its core

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I could rattle off a list of GGA volunteers that are rapists, child killers and paedophiles easily enough so stop with this exceptionalism.

Is bigoted to have a rule where you can’t hire out a hall to other sports

What does “elitism” mean in your lexicon?

The “public money” bullshit we heard all about in relation to Croke Park.

You are laughable in the way of all histrionics.

Tis easy touch a nerve with certain lads.

Infer it from the context, you think you’re better than everyone else, don’t you because you happened to play a different sport than people.

The other team in question weren’t looking for favour, they were a local team looking to pay an advertised rate for a facility.

If I was in that community to do all I could to ensure that facility wasn’t used by anyone until it was available to all

See above

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I said at the core. The GAA stopped them from doing it.

My two cents here

Whoever grassed Ballygunner is a cunt

The rule needs debating

Where did the millions generated by the FAI over the years go ???

A sad indictment of John Delaney’s tenure that he couldn’t help this club in his home city develop their own facilities. You were a big John Delaney fan, weren’t you?


You are talking utter bullshit. Should polo be played in Ballygunner GAA grounds? Should lacrosse? Should hockey? How elastic would the ‘inclusiveness’ have to become before it met your typical soccer head’s criteria?

A failure of taste. And of intellect.

The FAI comprises a shower of crooks that depended on schematized ticket touting as part of their ‘business plan’.


Change your avatar.

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Your avatar is a person that protected paedos all her life mate


Fact: Bohs Soccer Club have the exact same access and entitlement to the exact same public funds as Ballygunner GAA.

The only question that should be asked by the soccer lads here is this:

Why don’t that Bohs soccer club have adequate facilities of their own seeing as they have the exact same access to public funding as Ballygunner??

Ye know the answer, stop dancing around it.


If the facility is advertised then all sports should be allowed and catered for, for the advertised price.

If someone wants to rent it and perform interpretive dance for an hour, then so be it.

Community my arse. If stopping local lads kicking a ball is taste you’re welcome to it.

A soccer club I was involved with had lights before anyone with a good all weather set up. Off the top of my head, Dungourney, Carrigtwhohill, Midleton, Bride Rovers, Killeagh and a few other GAA clubs availed of it. On occasion they were given access to our cones and bibs when they needed more. Never questioned even.

Changing rooms and hot water always made available too

Maybe they felt its a waste of money to build two sports hall when one was enough and they had a relationship that worked well with ballygunner until the bigots got involved

Why waste public funds on unnecessary facilities. One good lighted pitch would cater for the entire community in most places

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