Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

& the state of GGA county grounds? average crowds 3k, average capacity 40k :slight_smile:

Your casual manipulation of completely made up numbers to suit your agenda is positively John Delaneyesque

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your casual attempts to not face the ingrained bigotry & lack of inclusiveness in the GGA is lord haw hawesque

A Shamrock Rovers supporter preaching about bigotry. You couldn’t make it up

Green orangeman alert

The gah lads getting all bitter because its pointed out, correctly, that soccer has more participation and less funding. A strange breed

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Ah stop, You surely had a few jars in you here :sweat_smile:


Haha. I ran out of fingers trying to count how many clubs I played for

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Yes, weird that’s their take away from.this shameful episode

What was the bigotry mate?

I think the issue here was the soccer fraternity whinging about lack of facilities

Were these facilities privately funded? Ballygunner must have serious wedge if they aren’t renting out the all weather and lights on an hourly rate.

Some are and others I assume get grants via the sports grants scheme . Every club ( soccer or GAA )in the country that meet this criteria can seek these grants

What criteria?

Iirc it centres on ownership , a percentage of self funding , participation etc

on the one club for life thing, I get the benefits of that, but it’s very closed in, you could play with the same 20 or 30 lads all your life only and never leave the parish. It isn’t easy to break in to another closed loop if you have to move too far for work and lads would generally just pack it in unless they’re motivated enough to drive back

With the soccer, over 20 years playing adult, I’ve played with hundreds upon hundreds of lads from all over the world. Every dressing room was different every year.

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You’ve thousands of lads all over the country regularly driving home from Dublin or Cork or Galway to their home parishes to train or play with their club at every level, Junior A all the way to Senior.

Some choose to transfer to a club where they now reside, which is in my opinion the only reason anyone should ever transfer from their club

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Thats almost cult like. Driving a few hours to train for an amateur possibly junior club team.

Yes thats spelled correctly

A big Comeagh derby in the Waterford Senior Football Final tomorrow.

I was surprised to read that it’s the first clash of Rathgormack v The Nire in the showpiece event.

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Ballygunner have been renting out facilities to a football club.

Someone switched to the GGA HQ and balygunner were told they weren’t allow to rent facilities to a foreign sport