Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

One of the reasons why hurling has never spread to.most of the country

You are some flute where this subject is concerned.

A triumph of taste, you could say.

You must be looking in the mirror, so.

Iā€™m playing no different a tune than you. ā€œSoccer headsā€

You agree with my argument and yet still somehow try to condescend

The argument about grants received from public funding is a bit of a strawman, all told.

If my neighbour received a grant for insulation/retrofitting/heat pump installation etc, does it mean Iā€™m entitled to go into their house and take a shit wherever I like?


I most certainly do not agree with your ā€˜argumentā€™.

That the rule is wrong? You just said it a couple of posts up

You arenā€™t really - that is a central GAA rule and needs debating . The dogs on the street know the rule is there and it is being flouted .

If he has advertised the use of it for a price, you should be, its advertised to everyone but you, because you like something different. That is a problem.

Rules are rules. If the soccer crew here bothered to take the time to read the GAA rule book, rather than engaging in hysterical conspiracy theories screeching, that would have been pretty obvious. Rules can be changed, the Ban was lifted in the early 70ā€™s, Members of Her Majestyā€™s forces in Northern Ireland were allowed into the association. Iā€™m sure this particular rule can be amended too if there is the will there amongst the clubs and members of the association to change it.

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So no more 5 asides?

Theyll be closed within a year

The majority of your posts are about the EPL

Are you a soccer head

I said the rule is more than a bit hypocritical after rugby and soccer being played in Croke Park. But the notion that any sport, simply because it is a sport, is entitled to use another sportā€™s facility remains complete bullshit in whatever way the issue gets framed. We all saw the shit show that was the Liam Miller Testimonial.

Again, I am asking you directly: are the people who run showjumping bigoted because they do not promote cycling? Yes or no.

Iā€™m primarily a rugby and cricket man.

Hard to take lads seriously when they big up John Delaney and Queen Elizabeth

That posts more about football

Youā€™re the only one talking about entitlement here.

They have advertised and agreed a price for using a local facility and a local sports team has been told they canā€™t pay the agreed price.

If you canā€™t see anything wrong in that it says a lot about you.

Nobody was looking for anything for free

Sure thereā€™s hardly anyone to talk to here about cricket and rugby. When it comes to sporting conversation, all the Pretend IRA/England haters want to talk about is their favourite English soccer team.

Ah nowā€¦ You must be able to do a small bit better than that rĆ”imĆ©is.

Why will you not answer the question I just put to you?