Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

I can see how it might make sense in Cork alright, although could they send regional teams to the Forristal to keep up the link with the tournament??

if i recall in my time , kerry played waterford B team, antrim and maybe meath

I think the tournament that we knew and loved died a number of years back. It’s a pity that it isn’t being supported by other counties.

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I think a little too much emphasis was being placed on it to be honest. At the end of the day, they are 14 year olds. It’s a nice competition but I think some counties approach it in the right way and others don’t.

Cork’s problem is that at 14s/15s the odds are stacked in their favour that they’ll always go close to winning it out. They’ve a huge pick and at that grade it’s a massive advantage as very often physically they are much better than the rest. The gap has closed by Minor


It would take Cork to do it

there is a simple solution - send a city team, east cork and the rest. 3 teams to the forristal

good for the tournament and good for cork


Yes, and perhaps they will do that in the future.

It’s like a lot of things in the GAA. It ran well and there was no need to change it.


the feile and the forristal, a good young lad could have a mighty summer back in the day!!

I thought they both were great tournaments , seems both well watered down now

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There were some horrific stories of club FĂ©ile teams training in December and January, on gym programmes and going on training weekends, training full days during Easter holidays etc
 shtop ffs, they’re 13 and 14 year olds. That’s the problem, the extremes are countered by extreme changes which are equally wrong

The dubs ruined it

that was ridicolous alright but how much of that was going on? up to individual clubs and county boards to stamp it out

Exactly. Instead of the sledgehammer to crack a nut approach they’ve taken

Was it Kilmacud who went away on warm weather training ahead of a FĂ©ile?

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is it a few clubs per county go to feile now? which might not be a bad thing


Paddy Small couldn’t start for that Ballymun team that won it out that year.

Another historical outing no doubt

He was a poor mans Ted Furman

In recent years that’s the way it was as there was 9 or 10 divisions I think.

The new format proposed for next year onwards is u15 and basically any team that wants to play in FĂ©ile can, it’ll be organised across the country over 1 weekend

More horse shit, more of this ‘give them all a participation medal’ mentality. No wonder the youth of today are so weak minded