Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

That was a fine team. Dela and Crowley, John Ryan, Morrie and Mickey Wadding, Ray Sheridan and Gerry Maguire.

Would Roanmore still be viewed as a ā€œphysicalā€ team?
Who is player thatā€™s meant to be the next Flynn? If heā€™s at that level he must be some talent

Patrick Fitzgerald Ballygunner

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There would always been a bit of cutting in Roanmore.


Fairly sure Albert Burke from down my neck of the woods was there too. Beat Ballyduff in both finals if I recall.
Dungarvan were a point up today at half time, having played against the elements and I fully expected them to drive on. Didnā€™t really show up in the second half. Roanmore brought an intensity that we were lacking last Sunday.
I had a sense of dread all week that Dungarvan could win the county (Iā€™d have to move back to Dublin) and even now think theyā€™d offer more against Ballygunner. Hopefully Roanmore put it up to them.

Yes Albert Burke was on that team.

Iā€™d have worried that Dungarvan were too mentally brittle for the Gunners but theyā€™d still have more than Roanmore.

Sion must be kicking themselves today, they are a better team than Roanmore and Dungarvan

Dungarvan beat us handily in the group stages.

Wouldnā€™t read too much into that

I got a headbutt against them when playing for WIT. Corner back had no helmet, Iā€™d one on. Very odd but they bate us the same night. Think 3 of there lads got suspended for abusing the ref after the final whistle

Are they essentially the really rough element that were too rough for Mount Sion?

Out of curiosity I was checking Google maps last night to see where Roanmore was? Unaware that they were a Waterford city club. I was shocked to see how close Mount Sion, De La Salle and Roanmore were to each other. Almost on top of each other according to Google maps anyway. Would this be accurate?

Accurate in the sense thatā€™s where their pitches are, on top of each other but they pull players from all over the city and further afield. No defined area or parish for either club.

Yet I always hear ye say Ballygunner have a much larger pick.

They do but in fairness to them they use it well.

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The have a massive pick, the whole east side of the city and beyond out to Dunmore east

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Huge area.

Thereā€™s over 900 pupils in the primary school in Ballygunner. 25 years ago, Iā€™m told it was about 250.
Thereā€™s also a Gaeilscoil with about 250 as well in Ballygunner. They have 60 to 70 kids starting off every year at U6. For some parents, itā€™s obviously a glorified baby sitting service on a Saturday morning for an hour or two, but still serious numbers.

There were 930 boys on the roll of the primary school in Mount Sion in 1943. Itā€™s no wonder we were the dominant club in the county in the fifties and sixties


I didnā€™t think you were that old?