Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

Sad news coming out of Waterford re ballygunner GGA and bigotry

You’re the last one I expected to see out batting for Bohemians. Wonders never cease.

Ballygunner’s hands were tied.

Yep, the snitch and hq to blame


The real issue here is why a lead soccer club in Waterford has to rely on a GAA club to provide it with facilities for it’s training? It’s an issue that arises all over Eire.

The soccer community really need to learn to stop freeloading and become more self sufficient.

Thought Bohs had a grand ground in Poleberry?

Nope, the issue here is bigotry

I’ve only ever driven past it. Villa are just across the road from Bohs in Ozier Park. What would be the politics of all that in terms of where they draw their players from?

Bohs was a British Legion club. Villa and Bolton were for Republicans.

Bohs players generally went to school in DLS and Villa players to Mt Sion as far as I know.

I played a bit for Villa 25 odd years ago and that was roughly how it broke down back then anyway I think.


the gaa received 31 million
soccer received 13 million

soccer has more participants

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Isn’t the fai an awful godhelpus?

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the worst… but that’s the reason.

The reason they don’t get grants is they don’t put the work in. There’s a lot of leg work in it and the soccer just doesn’t have the same organisation and that is all down to the fai


I’d agree with that. Money always go missing

Most lads playing soccer are doing so for teams operating from pubs on rented pitches . Another cadre are playing 5 a side on facilities owned by other organisations

Big swathes of participation in soccer have zero attachment to the club or the community they represent .

For all their faults the GAA in the main can’t be accused of that


that’s bollox fella.

I played in Limerick City for one club until I was an adult. When I moved to Cork I played for One club until I couldn’t play at that level anymore.

the only difference is it’s 11 vs 15 aside. Don’t ever question a fella’s loyalty to his soccer club

:roll_eyes: Weren’t you the lad that said he wouldn’t hang around if he wasn’t getting a game

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You are one man but the turnover is huge across the country .

The reality is there isn’t the same connect and glue


I was never a sub in my life. I didn’t pick up a hurley until i was 14 and started in a harty cup match. stupid sport