Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

I’ve never seen a game where players tap the ball off the ground so often

He was taking way too much out of it. He had a chance to go for a score earlier but kept bringing it in.
But he should have had a free.

He didn’t catch it 3 times. First play was off the Hurley.

Was it overcarrying he was called for so? Regardless, he was slapped by the Ballygunner man behind him 4 times

I think 3 catches. Ballygunnar get a point off it.

Paddy Leavy is some man to keep the ball moving.

He’s a great link man, you’d think he could do a job for Davy.

I find Ballygunner to rarely be too impressive despite how good they obviously are

Ballygunner have a lot of work ahead of them.

Ballygunner v Roanmore
Mount Sion v De La Salle

Mount Sion v De La Salle would be a good game. I’d still fancy Mount Sion to get through that. It should be a spicy enough affair.

Ballygunner will see off Roanmore with little bother I’d say.

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Are all four clubs beside eachother ?

Roanmore, Mount Sion are right on top of each other and De La Salle not too far away.

Ballygunner other side of town.

@Fagan_ODowd can probably give you the exact ins and outs but Roanmore were formed from a split in Mount Sion in the early 1970’s. Think it was a row over industrial action in the Crystal, scabs crossing picket lines and the like.

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It wasn’t. It was about Danny Murphy falling out with Mount Sion and setting up his own club.


What was the falling out over?

Was there a man named Gannon involved as well?

Danny couldn’t see eye to eye with the Fanning’s.

Not to my memory.

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Ozzie telling porkies?

“ As for the county scene, Gleeson flatly denied the rumours that, under Liam Cahill, Waterford timed their run wrong this year and were burnt out by the time the Munster championship came around “