Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

Chalk it down in the catalogue of Waterford great moral victories and giveaways. Fucked that one away.

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It was outstanding constipated hurling of the sort Wexford used to specialise in in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

A fluffed pick up here, a fumble there, a misplaced handpass, a wide from 70 yards, a wide from 30 yards.


Limerick were so incredibly bad, off it and there for the taking. I doubt any of the other 3 would have passed up the opportunity Waterford had there today, if it was there for the taking.

Yet another example of a Davy Fitz team being unable to exploit the extra man. Just like the AI semi in 19. He wonā€™t be called out on it either. Amazing the free pass he gets.


The way I saw it. An awful display. For months worth of training to perform like that,

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Waterford played at the poorish level today, which I fully expected. Felt theyā€™d lose by 12-15 beforehand. The real surprise was that playing that poorly saw them only lose by 2 points in a game they arguably should have won as the least worst side.

Iā€™d imagine Limerick wonā€™t be as bad again and will play at a significantly higher level every other day. I donā€™t think they are a sure thing by any means this year.l though.

Cork will beat Waterford by 6-8 next week.

They kept lamping the ball straight into the square for about 10 minutes after the sending off which played into Limerickā€™s hands.

Still they had more than enough chances to win it despite an awful lot going wrong.

Ridiculous. The space with an extra man is out the field. Needed to get their shooters like Bennett and Aussie (for all his faults) there to create the free man to shoot.

Is Gleeson not long back from injury or why isnā€™t he starting?

Heā€™s clearly not fit.

They were well on top too around the half back line-midfield-half forward.

Anyway the wides were desperate although i believe these new microchipped sliotars are awful so maybe you have to accept theres going to be a lot of these going forward.

Yeah, Aussie has been injured. Really showed when he came in. Well off the pace and match fitness.

He scored a point and set up a goal chance. He also kicked a point which was chalked off for god knows what.

I thought we played very well. Battled really hard. Iā€™d be curious to know when Limerick were held to 1-18 last. Our shooting was crap in fairness.

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When you tally up

The Limerick goal being scored while TDB rolled around in pain,
Flanagan and Nash not seeing red,
The point chalked off,
The penalty being a blatant square ball
The Mark Fitzgerald bizarre yellow/free

Davy behaved with great dignity on the sideline.

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If we get to meet them I d be confident enough.

Tis the hope that will kill ya.

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Waterford and Davy got it spot on except when they had extra man. I was only saying the other day the only way to beat Limerick is to press them high up the pitch and stop likes of Nash, Hayes, Byrnes dominating possession. Sure, likes of Gillane and Flanagan could do and will do damage inside but you cannot drop back and invite them on as theyā€™ll hit 30 points. By sitting back you also lose shape and gas out in the 3rd quarter trying to chase after them. Iā€™d much rather allow them hit long balls in than working through the lines. Hutchinson had a rare off day but that happens sometimes especially when you go through league games without logging a shot on target. Huge game against Cork coming up but they could be vulnerable after that today and the downer of De Burca going down. Thats a tough one to take for that man today.

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I couldnā€™t get over how poor the Limerickā€™s were. I knew they were totally over rated by the media based on the few times I saw them last year but they were brutal altogether today.

The Big House will add Liam Gordon to the Christmas card list no doubt.

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A defeat to Cork doesnā€™t eliminate Waterford however. Beat Clare in Thurles and they could take Tipperary in the final game at the same venue by virtue of the head to head. The Clare game is massive. The loser goes out. The winner might make it through, or will at least have a chance of going through going into the final game.

Qualification can often come down to head to head. What really screwed Waterford last year was the head to head against Cork which meant they were going to Ennis in the final game effectively already out because it was obvious Cork would pummel Tipp. If you get a shot a team late in the group with a chance to get ahead of them on the head to head, thatā€™s about all you can ask for.

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