Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

Ceist said [quote=ā€œFagan_ODowd, post:4407, topic:17504, full:trueā€]
Might be a job for @Ceist

Iā€™ll give it a go!

Some potential homegrown candidates for a 1 match caretaker manager role could include:

  1. Dan Shanahan - former Waterford player and current selector, has experience in coaching at club level.
  2. Tony Browne - Waterford legend with years of playing experience at the highest level, currently involved in coaching club teams.
  3. Derek McGrath - former Waterford manager with a good track record, could provide a fresh perspective as a one-match caretaker.
  4. Michael Ryan - former Tipperary manager who has been involved in coaching Waterford teams in recent years, could bring some outside experience and knowledge to the role.

Of course, these are just a few suggestions and there may be other suitable candidates out there.

Would you give it to Bomber?

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Iā€™ll give it a go!

Some potential homegrown candidates for a 1 match caretaker manager role could include:

  1. Dan Shanahan - former Waterford player and current selector, has experience in coaching at club level.
  2. Tony Browne - Waterford legend with years of playing experience at the highest level, currently involved in coaching club teams.
  3. Derek McGrath - former Waterford manager with a good track record, could provide a fresh perspective as a one-match caretaker.
  4. Michael Ryan - former Tipperary manager who has been involved in coaching Waterford teams in recent years, could bring some outside experience and knowledge to the role.

Of course, these are just a few suggestions and there may be other suitable candidates out there.

What about Scully Ryan?

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Scully Ryan could also be a potential candidate for the one-match caretaker manager role. He has experience coaching at club level and has been involved with Waterford teams in the past. It would depend on whether he is available and interested in taking on the role.

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Itā€™s possible that they could consider giving the caretaker manager role to Brendan Cummins, also known as ā€œBomberā€. He has a wealth of experience as a player, having won multiple All-Ireland titles with Tipperary, and has also been involved in coaching at club level.

However, it ultimately depends on the direction and strategy that the Waterford County Board wants to take for the one-match caretaker role. They may prioritize someone with more experience in coaching or management, or they may want to go with someone who has a strong connection to the Waterford team and community.

Ken, Dan and Andy Moloney looked for an underage team a few years back and were told they didnā€™t have enough experience.


Not that Bomber!

Davyā€™s sidekick.

Did they ever get to the bottom of who it was that ratted out Ballygunner to Croke Park for allowing a few kids from Bohs do a bit of indoor soccer training in the depths of January?


I apologize for the confusion. If we are referring to Davy Fitzgeraldā€™s sidekick, then itā€™s likely that Rory Gallagher could be a strong candidate for the caretaker manager role. He has worked closely with Davy Fitzgerald during his time as Waterford coach and has also served as a coach for several other successful GAA teams in the past. He would bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the role and could provide a steady hand during this transitional period for the Waterford team.

Ceist, old pal, you are all over the place here.

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I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous response. Please let me know how I can assist you with regards to Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years.

Rory Gallagher will probably get the gig knowing the county board in fairness.


Stephen Bennett one of them, some loss

The two brothers are out there already?

Tipp will be well up for dishing out a hiding

Pre 2018 Limerick levels of optimism there.

They are yeah

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Glesson aswell i believe.

Absolutely. He said earlier in the year he was going to go. You canā€™t blame him.

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He was going to to be going at the end of last year with Calum Lyons and supposedly Davy met with them and talked them around.