Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

Imagine not wanting to have Davy in your ear 24/7.

Heā€™s just described every sports supporter who attends a game

Inter county football in Ballygunner. Iā€™ve seen it all.

Supporters club in Dublin effectively being dissolved and being taken in under the umbrella of the commercial wing of the county board. All fundraising to come in through the commercial wing who will only pay it out according to budgets agreed at the start of the year.

Isnā€™t the whole point of supporters club to secretly send money to managers who definitely arenā€™t paid. I thought that was the idea anyway

Itā€™s part of a new governance directive from Croke Park. To put a stop to that kind of thing.

Are they going to show in the accounts what Davy is being paid then?

Wexford completed that process a while back. As you say, itā€™s a central GAA directive & I think its origin was the controversy in Mayo where yer man with a few bob went after the county board publicly after falling out with them. There might have been another county or two that had similar issues but I canā€™t recall now.

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Does this mean that Cairde LG Dublin will be disbanded?

No. The previously independent Wexford Supporters Club (Dublin Branch) is now Cairde Loch Garman (Dublin) & part of the main Cairde Loch Garman. I thinkā€¦

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Similar in Waterford. Deise in Dublin (previously Waterford GAA Supporters Club Dublin) will be subsumed into the Waterford GAA Supporters Club which will be run centrally but will have occasional events in Dublin. There will be some preferential treatment for tickets for big matches, but Iā€™d say they want to get out of ticketing altogether and hand that over to Ticketmaster. Everyone who signs up will get a car sticker.

The virtual guarantee of an All Ireland or Munster Final ticket was always the big kicker in being a supporters club member. If you sponsored a hole at the Supporters Club Golf Outing it was an actual guarantee of at least two and probably more. Plus it was a tax deductible business expense. So it only cost half that. And they wouldnā€™t fob you off with bad tickets.


I am hearing this deal could be gone for the bainne.
Supposedly somebody opened their beak about it too soon.

Whats Derek up to these days?

He was on with Dalo this week. Sounded in good form.

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Skin inferred at the Supporters Club meeting the other night that he had been pulled into a six hour meeting about this on Tuesday. He hoped that the matter would be sorted by this weekend.

Somebody in the county board though canā€™t hold their piss, which is not good. Apparently the night of the TdB DRA hearing the arbitrators got word that the media reported that the DRA had found that TdB had been cleared - which the DRA had been leaning towards. They then got spooked and changed tack.

Heā€™s a decent man, doesnt deserve the guff he gets.

The word is there will be a similar type company with Tipperary next year.

Good Waterford eventually have something.

Thereā€™s something nice about seeing a county with a sponsor actually originating from the county.

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The Huawei thing was obviously a ball hop.