Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

Davy could put the final nail in the managerial coffin of his arch nemesis Lohan in Ennis, so he could.

Very pleased for Waterford. Written off by everyone but they turned up today.

Great result. Opens up the championship nicely.

The story doing the rounds at the match yesterday was that there was a blowout between the senior players and the management on the warm weather training holiday in Portugal. The senior players told Davy and Peter Queally (who is as culpable as Davy) that they could fuck off with their shit hurling and that the team were going back to direct hurling and that was that. In particular they told Queally that he could go and shite with his idea of playing Billy Nolan at centre back.


I heard similar on Monday at a funeral down in Waterford.
Davy is a genius, creating a player-led camp with 100% buy-in. A real pity that he tripped over his legs and fell at the end of the game in front of the cameras.


According to His Daviness, the management had ā€œhardā€ words with themselves, the players had ā€œhardā€ words with THEMselves, but there doesnā€™t appear to have been any crossover. So there doesnā€™t.

I was sitting directly behind Davy yesterday and he was noticeably a lot quieter than usual. There was no manic instructions being shouted and certainly the micro management of every facet of the game, a la the reverse fixture last year, was nowhere to be see.

Had a few pints in your clubhouse watching the 1st half of Clare Limerick and the consensus was if we played with a few inside forwards weā€™d go close.

Hopefully weā€™ve turned a corner. Weā€™re out of the long grass now and thereā€™ll be an expectation that we beat Tipp, which presents a different challenge.

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Weā€™ve only beaten Waterford once out of four attempts in the round robin era. Waterford will be hot favourites.

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Heard the same myself on Saturday night.


To anyone who gets tickets to the uncovered stand in Walsh Park. Stay off the beer beforehand.
The toilet facilities consist of two single portaloos (one male, one female) at either end of the stand. A new toilet block wonā€™t be going in until the next phase of the development and there is no access to the toilets in the rest of the ground.
I dread to think what will happen in a fortnights time when the Tipp crowd come to town.


Thank fuck I was up the Keaneā€™s road end terrace so. I had a few throat openers in Norrisā€™ watching Clare v Limerick so the nearby toilet was handy to have.

Is there an aul wall anywhere to be found?

Is Donners still involved?

No. Heā€™s doing a wacky candid camera style show now so hasnā€™t the time.


Yesterday had a real bang of one of my favourite Waterford memories - the 1974 championship win over Cork in Walsh Park. Might be my memory playing tricks but I remember a full house, a sunny day, a Cork crowd full of confidence, a Cork man sent off (there was no doubt about this one - goalkeeper Paddy Barry was sent off for striking the umpire) and a surprise result.


There was about 300 Tipperary supporters in Walsh Park two years ago. That was the opening match of the campaign too. How they get on in Limerick next Sunday will tell a lot as regards the size of the invading hordes.

Its been alluded to already but it was great to see Jamie Barron back to his best yesterday. A magnificent hurler and someone youā€™d go to see.

Its not a coincidence though that he ran riot yesterday against Cork who try to hurl. Heā€™ll go well against Tipp too because Tipp will hurl away but will likely struggle against Limerick and Clare with all their Rubby League mullocker types that they have around the middle third.


Queally is training the balbec this year. I donā€™t think he is going to ā€œget usā€ like Tony Considine did.

Ye need yer heads examined


Took too much out of the ball a couple of times and has lost a bit of pace but was very good. The goal at the start was the making of the game for us.

What was good about the win yesterday was there doesnā€™t seem to have been any bad injuries to lads.

Seems like the last few years we lose the first game and 3 or 4 lads are missing the following week and maybe for the whole campaign.

An extra weeks rest ahead of a huge game v Tipp could be what pushes us over the line in that one.

I heard Stephen Bennett and Davy Fitzgerald allude to Shane Bennettā€™s injury after the game yesterday. Seems like it is fairly bad from what I have been told. Best wishes to him I hope he will be ok.