Wedding Etiquette

There were prods in the 'RA too Mac.


Did you know any of them?

No, but I’m blood related to a couple.

There were. Not any more though. The 'RA has gone away. Caoimhaoin knows.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 965137, member: 273”]That’s because it’s not that serious. In fact it’s not serious at all. It’s a wedding, it’s supposed to be joyous and relaxed. And in the modern day it’s also completely changed, people live together before marriage. The point of presents traditionally was to help people get a start, that all gone.
I think it’s disgusting people who own a house and have jobs take money off their wedding guests. If I get any money it will be either given back or put behind the bar.[/QUOTE]
@carryharry - I don’t know what you are laughing at, i’m not messing. Its a reflection on our selfish sense of entitlement world.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 965137, member: 273”]That’s because it’s not that serious. In fact it’s not serious at all. It’s a wedding, it’s supposed to be joyous and relaxed. And in the modern day it’s also completely changed, people live together before marriage. The point of presents traditionally was to help people get a start, that all gone.
I think it’s disgusting people who own a house and have jobs take money off their wedding guests. If I get any money it will be either given back or put behind the bar.[/QUOTE]

Is it not to cover the cost of the dinner and rental of the venue?

It’s a bit miserly to think that you’d get a free day out and dinner without any investment on your part.

Would you ever fuck off you spoofing cunt. :smiley:

From this interaction I presume Kev is the type who’ll turn up at a house party or a dinner empty handed expecting the host to provide absolutely anything and not offering anything in return as thanks. The Australian ignorance has rubbed off well on him.

[QUOTE=“croppy_boy, post: 965171, member: 306”]Is it not to cover the cost of the dinner and rental of the venue?

It’s a bit miserly to think that you’d get a free day out and dinner without any investment on your part.[/QUOTE]
Eh no. Is that the line you fell for?:D:D:D
How is it a free day out? The majority of weddings i’ve been to having cost a fortune in getting to.

We welcome members from any religion or none, pal.

What are you on about?

[QUOTE=“croppy_boy, post: 965171, member: 306”]Is it not to cover the cost of the dinner and rental of the venue?

It’s a bit miserly to think that you’d get a free day out and dinner without any investment on your part.[/QUOTE]

Considering the number of people Kev knows I reckon he’ll have to book Millstreet and that won’t be cheap.

They are not comparable really Mac. I only expect of people what i expect of myself.I would generally ask if the host wanted something brought, and would then oblige. I’d rather provide the steaks than some shite bottle of wine i know nothing about.
Although i’m not really surprised you would be the grab all side of the argument.

Biscuits Kev, biscuits.

It’s just common courtesy really.

You don’t really expect people to shell out 15k+ so you’re going to have a laugh do you?

Have you gone to many weddings where you didn’t give a present?

That’s a great shout. Aussie are complete cunts for turning up at a bbq with no food or beer,

It sounds like Kevin brings sandwiches with him to a wedding.

@caoimhaoin is obviously a tight fucker, where is he from again?

[QUOTE=“croppy_boy, post: 965187, member: 306”]It’s just common courtesy really.

You don’t really expect people to shell out 15k+ so you’re going to have a laugh do you?

Have you gone to many weddings where you didn’t give a present?[/QUOTE]

Its not common courtesy, its people going over the top, being greedy and very self indulgent and asking others to fork out.
Don’t fucking spend it if you don’t have it moron.
So you arrange a wedding and try and get everyone else to pay for it. The Celtic tiger living beyond our means is still alive and well. If the couple, or the family or whoever cannot afford 15k to invite their friends to celebrate WITH them then they should go for something cheaper.